Tuesday, May 22, 2012

and this little piggy...

was very snoozy after his wonderful walkie in the warm warm sun! :)


Anonymous said...

Baxter - you looked wiped! Kinda like how the boys looked on sunday after their long walk in mid 80's heat (flopped down on the cool kitchen tile floor).

Otto and Linus want to know if, when you wake up from your nap, you could model their DDDs??!!


Lovable Lily said...

Beautiful dreamer,
wake unto me
Starlight and dewdrops
are awaiting thee...

Handsome as ever Baxter!

Lily Belle

Jasper + Amy said...

Why are little doxie butts so cute??

Nice tushie shot, Baxter!!

Lorenza said...

Sure it was a long walkie!
Enjoy your nap!
Kisses and hugs