Friday, May 18, 2012

schnoz deep

Hee hee, strawberries. Even when they are purchased from the store and secretly stowed in the lowest pot on the deck, they are still nature's wooty gift to little nosy dachshunds. :)


HH and The Boys said...

I love that picture. Your fur looks so good with that green... I hope you have strawberries real soon.

pawhugs, Max

Pinky's Victory said...

You should call them "schnozberries."

Jane said...

Baxter, I am glad you are finding strawberries on your deck. You have a very good Mom. I love the way the sun is shining on your beautiful red fur.

Anonymous said...

Otto is already scoping out our gooseberry bushes. Last year he ate just about every last one!!


Lorenza said...

There is no reason to question where they come from.... just enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Kerri said...

B, I saw a post from Frankie Furter recently where they put those pop-up laundry hampers over their blueberry bushes. Maybe you need to do something similar with your tomato and strawberry plants. Though Mom sneaking off to the store works well, too. =.)

AMY ANN said...

Great picture. Happy strawberry hunting.

kalyxcorn said...

max the real strawberries are taking forever! though it does not help that some not a buddy keeps stealing them before they are ready for me to eat.

hee hee, i like to call them tummyberries!!

thank u miss jane! i like the way the sun hits my fur and make me so nice and warm! :)

miss siol. gooseberries? today is not april 1st is it? bcuz i already found out the hard way that there is no such thing as dukberries and i cannot afford to fall for that again. well, unless mom says i have to pare down my poopie snake collection and then she would be making me so why not try trading it for something even if u do not know how real it is?

hee hee i do lorenza! :)

o what a great idea miss kerri! how does that work with the birds and the bees though? u know, with poll..pollenation?

thank u miss amy ann! i have become quite an expert if i do say so myself! :) :)