Saturday, October 27, 2012

baxter and duk duk's scary stories: the tell tale poop (continued)

I was asleep by the time Harley came home, so we caught up the next morning.

"It was my pooper!", he proclaimed with a voice that conveyed both relief and a sense having been probed in an alien manner. "The Xrays showed that I was super full of poop!!  I was consti-pooped!"

"Wait, what? Really??" I asked with a spine tingling blend of envy and surprise.

"Yup!  No acorns, no pancreatitis, no allergic reactions or anything - my pooper was just full of poop!  The vet said I should have remembered to drink more water on the long drive to our new home.  I was shivering and panting because I was in pain, because when you have that much poop in you, well, you know, it hurts.  And yeah I could not tell u either why I was still pooping even though I was constipooped, but there u have it.  Or should I say, there it was, all over the..well, let's not talk about that part.  Apparently an enema does not mean what I thought it meant. "

"Wow, that is so scary, to think that your own poopie could do that to you.  I have always thought of poopie snakes as our friends, but I guess they're friends only if they don't overstay their welcome! Hey now that you're all empty, let's ask mom for a snackie!"

"Yeah I am famished!" 

Well there you have it, a tale so scary and real it had to be told. This Halloween, drink plenty of water, my friends, and avoid a visit from the grim pooper.


Lovable Lily said...

The Grim Pooper, goodness, we're laughing so much over here.

We're so glad that all turned out well in the end.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Jane said...

Wow Baxter I have never heard of that either, especially since Harley was still able to poop! I glad he is ok now. You write a good suspense scary story too.

Kerri said...

"he proclaimed with a voice that conveyed both relief and a sense having been probed in an alien manner"

*snort* *snort* *snort*

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee i was very glad for harley too. it could have been so much worse!

yes that was very weird wasn't it miss jane? but when you're full, you're full i guess!

hee hee hee. yeah that was some voice, miss kerri! :)

Kerri said...

In my head, B, Harley sounds like a mixture of Randy Quaid in "National Lampoon Christmas Vacation" and Randy Quaid in "Independence Day," but mostly RQ in "ID4."

"I was kidnapped by space aliens 10 years ago! They did all kinds of experiments on me!"