Tuesday, October 30, 2012

nightmare on poop street

A certain little goblin didn't particularly appreciate his pre-Halloween surprise annual checkup visit from the tushie man, even though he complimented on his weight, teeth, and nails.  

mom, i know the tushie man and his assistant are very nice n all, but, considering how scary my tail still thinks they are, do u think we can invite them to me and duk duk's halloween party so they can scare everybuddy else too? bcuz right now i can think of nothing scarier...


Willy's Mom said...

Awww.....poor little Baxter butt!

Nancy D said...

Nice defensive tail tuck!

Lovable Lily said...

Sorry Baxter, butt I know it has to happen to the best of us.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Jane said...

Oh Baxter! At least it is over and it sounds like you got a good report. Cute picture too!

Unknown said...

Adorable picture...this is what my Baxter does also when I take him in to the vet...so cute....

Pia said...

oh you poor little baxter! i can completly understand what you were feeling. i am really really scared of the tushie man too!

hope you are feeling better now!
