Monday, October 22, 2012

wiener dog festival 2012

dear diary,
after all the fun i had yesterday, i am pretty certain that the best way to spend a sunday afternoon is at wiener dog festival in the company of friends, especially if they are new friends with moms sitting on the ground whose pockets are full of snackies, or new friends who stink but stink in a way that says, please smell me more, and your new friends actually let you. even if u never did get their names.

yesterday at the festival was also swell because  i got to catch up with old friends, like cricket n pepper, who i did not get to see or smell for very long because,  boo hoo,  they had to leave early and, well, i got there late, and like jewel and quintin, whom i had never really met before but i felt like i met them because i got to model their duds.  quintin and i caught up on everything stink and snackie related...

while jewel had a fine time with a nice tummy rub from my dad.

i also met up with my friend lulu, which i can tell you more about tomorrow because with first my uncle skritchy being in town and then with all the fun i had at the festival and all, i sorta forgot about doing my calculus homework til now and apparently i am going to need the toes on all my paws to help with some of the problems teacher assigned us.  so for now i must bid you a fond..

b :)


Lovable Lily said...

A Doxie Festivus? Oh how exciting Baxter!! We have them here too in NY. We always love going too for the very same reason as you ~ to meet new furends and see the old.

We can see that you had such a wonderful time. And I see too that your furends are wearing your Mom's duds!

We can't wait to hear about LuLu.

Lily Belle & Muffin

kalyxcorn said...

yup they are very fun! i hope u had a wonderful weekend lily belle n muffin! :)

Kerri said...

I believe the adorable pup in the top right picture was named Harley. So soft! (And so good to see the Baxter family, along with Lulu and her mom.)