Monday, February 18, 2013

snow snow

A certain little someone decided he just might turn into a poopsicle if he accompanied me thru Saturday's snowy wet parking lot and into the pet store, and so it was that while he and his dad stayed nice and dry and toasty in the car, I traipsed alone to get his kibble, and came back to find out I should have done a whole lot more.

oooh, mom, before u went in didjoo sniff the trash can by the door that always smells so good?  and didjoo bark at the lady that always wants to say hi to me?  and that really big great dane i saw walking in? and was the milkbone display still as super cool and tasty as it was last week?  ooo and didjoo weigh yourself and get a snackie from the vet lady?  and then go over to the kitty section to see if there was any food on the floor.... mmm kitty time we go to the pet store, can we make sure it is not cold n rainy out? :)


Jasper + Amy said...

Jasper does not like cold, rainy days either, Baxter. Good thing Spring is on the way!! :)

Miss Amy XOXO

Anonymous said...

Never fails... Baxter ALWAYS makes me smile :o)