Friday, June 28, 2013

city sampler: home is where my wifi and the doughnuts are

Feeling visually recharged from my trip to NYC, and thought you might need a recharge too.  Here, a glimpse into our rented apartment, and a couple of cool nearby sights :)

And here, a tiny chumley, who was very happy with his souvenir from my travels, even if it was only from his Uncle Dana's local Wally World.  Simple little joys for a happy go lucky little boy. :)

 oooOOoOOOoooooo! a hot dog hot dog guillotine! mom, u think this will work for poopie snakes too?? :)



Bludog said...

So how does the hot dog guillotine work? And how can I get one?!?!?

I take the donuts are artwork in the fab NY loft? Looks pretty cool - but I want to see the pictures of your and auntie robin's swag...

kalyxcorn said...

actually miss bludog, the donuts are on the wall at the doughnut plant!there was not much swag this time around - what mom wanted to get they did not have so she got very little (!), except some hair barette thingies and some very specific items for a doxie dud. oh and mom found my guillotine hanging on a display in wally world (walmart) by - get this - the hot dog buns! methinks u can get them online. the doxie's tummy has a grid made of plastic and u smoosh him down on to the hot dog that would be waiting in the green part that he rests on. voila, hot dog chunks! or poopie snake chunks! :)

kalyxcorn said...

here is a google search linky

Elizabeth said...

I got the hot dog thingy for my niece. Reports are that it doesn't do so great at cutting the hot dogs. But who cares! It's just so cute.