Monday, January 6, 2014

wishful thinking

boy it really stinks that we have to go back to school today, duk duk...(sigh)..maybe our school will get cancelled too today, like like all those other kids, because the outside thermometer says it is fifty degrees out, which is only like fifty plus fifty degrees away from minus fifty which is really not that far apart when u think about it. and here i am in my school clothes and i am still cold sitting here inside by george while we wait for the bus so u can only imagine what it would be like for us in school.

and, if school were cancelled, then, well, we could stay home, finish catching up on downton abbey, and even have enough time to watch the new one we mevo'd yesterday which only makes sense because if we go to school today, all the kids will be talking about it, and it would be like, spoiler city. 

and, if school were cancelled, then we would not have to even think about a reason to tell teacher why we did not finish our reading assigment. at least until tomorrow and that is a whole day away and maybe besides we can find war and peace on netflix and watch that too.  or at least breakfast at tiffanys because i think i saw that the same lady is in that too and really all the movies sounded the same back then anyway so what is the difference? 

oh, and if school were cancelled, we could help mom reorganize her studio, and make more cookies, and...(sigh) i think i hear the bus coming....

meet u after school today for cartoons and an afterchool snackie? :)


Stacey said...

Lol@ spoiler city

Unknown said...

Baxter, you look so handsome in your polo shirt :0) Believe me, you don't want to be here in Minnesota like I am (even if school is cancelled).

Tammy said...

I love seeing Baxter in his glasses and his school clothes. Very handsome!