Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Tiny chumley took advantage of Monday's rain, seizing his time outside yesterday to dig in the fresh loamy soil, and sniffing so deeply in the dirt that he had to sneeze it back out, only to sniff at the dirt again.

It's always tempting, I think, to become daunted by the prospect of having to wash dirty little paws, and as a preemptive measure, deny the little kielbasa his privilege of digging.  But the little gray hairs on this head and paws keep sprouting like weeds now, and they remind me that all too soon, his days of digging will be but a memory.  So dig we will, any time we can, so there will be plenty for him to remember and dream about, when that is all there is left for him to do. :)


Anonymous said...

You just keep on diggin' and sniffin' until your heart's content, because that's what doxies do, little B! Wally & B (doin' the same)