Wednesday, April 2, 2014

the life of littles

Tiny chumley didn't like it at all the fateful afternoon a couple weeks back his neighbor puppy friend Cassie accidentally rolled him with her massive and playful paws.  Now he asks her to keep her distance, at least until she is a little older and wiser, but he's happy still to have her visit along with the little misses as she did yesterday and share in the duties of being hugged and squeezed and kissed all over. 

Yesterday was not only the second day of spring break, but it was also, as luck would have it, open window weather. So while little miss Sarah and I worked for her first time on a sewing machine, while little miss Julia made tea party invitations and while Cassie puppy napped a little ways over there, tiny chumley lay his little sun warned noggin on the windowsill, and sniffed the air for bunnies and kitties, and all was happy in everyone's happy little world :) 


Bludog said...

ooooooooooo fluffy puppy! too bad she's, you know, a cooty-carrying girl.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful that you are spending this time with the littles. They will remember it always. What a lovely world you have created in your home!

dawn and wishy