Monday, February 16, 2015

cloudy with a chance of snow

nope...nope... o there i see one! aw nopies just a feather...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope
...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...o maybe!. rats nope just some dryer lint..nope...nope...nope...nope..nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope...nope....nope...nope...


Anonymous said...

Oh Baxter........are you wishing that hard for snow!? Those of us who live in the Midwest would be happy to share some with you. Otherwise, I'm sure the people of Boston would be more than happy to send some your way.

Little Klaus and his Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Baxter - tuk tuk here. Mom wants to know where you got a coat that covers your boohind like that. Please don't tell her; i hate wearing coats. Thanks

kalyxcorn said...

little klaus and miss little klaus's mom, i was wishing for snow but unless it is the white fluffy kind u can make snow forts with, i am pretty much over it now.

hello tuk tuk my mom found it for me at marshalls a few years back. :)