Friday, December 9, 2016

final draft review

 ...hee hee, well of course nobuddy really likes him, duk duk. but he's the guy with all the presents so what can u do, really?

 yeah, i am glad that mom does not make us go see him in person either. my friend hankie says with every passing year he gets scarier and scarier,  and if hankie thinks he is scary, u know what i would think. and i am pretty sure santa would not take very kindly to an impromptu meeting with agent brown, if u know what i mean. 

yeah, it is so much better just to write him a letter, even if we do have to write it all by hand still. 


oh yes, where were we?  oh yes, final draft review. let's go back to the first page.. "dear santa....howya doin...technically good all year...blah blah blah...duk duk's fault..."  turning to next page...


"...mutually resolved to each party's satisfaction...laser guided mega monster trebuchet...block of cheese...robot walrus submarine...cannot take delivery until the 3rd for obvious reasons ....regards to the missus...enjoy the carrots and cookies..hope u did not step on the u know what by the stoop.  yours truly, baxter & duk duk".

well, i think that's pretty good, dontchoo duk duk? i mean, concise and to the point with just enough pleasant chit chat to hopefully smooth over some of our more notable infractions this year. which we clearly did not hide or cover up and in fact i think we explained ourselves pretty well. but, i guess don draper is right about changing the conversation.  i mean like, we never ask for cheese and santa i am sure will be like, cheese? what's a wolf and falcon going to do with cheese? i guess i will just have to find out! and then he will give us everything on our list because our list is so short, like seriously, he should be embarrassed to give us anything less than all of it really. then come christmas morning, bwoop! megamonstertrebuchet-robotwalrussubmarine!

hee hee hee, i love christmas so much, dontchoo duk duk? :)


Anonymous said...

I love the way you handle things, Baxter. Good luck on having your wishes come true. Here's another idea.......maybe if you and duk duk are very very good between now and Christmas, Santa will definitely overlook all your 2016 infractions and grant your wishes.

Little Klaus and his Mom Krista

Jane said...

Baxter, you are so mischievous, but I like it. :)