Friday, June 29, 2018

can can :)

..i can too. can. can. can. can. can. can 2. can..can can can can can. oh wait, maybe you’re..wrong! nopies i totally can. can too. can with a capital can. let’s see, what day is today again? o that’s right, it’s not friday, it’s can-toosday! hmm, is it time for lunchy lunch yet cuz i sure go for a giant can-toona sandwich right about now. can. totally can. can times infinity. can times a million infinity!

duk duk, how is it possible that we are even having this conversation right now when u know i am right?
fine. but i am going to need mom to help so let me ask her.

mom, can u please hold a match up to my butt so i can prove to duk duk that i can breathe fire?


Heidi + Gretchen's Dad said...

Here, there be dragons.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee just one mister heidi+gretchen's dad. me :)