Showing posts with label all gussied up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all gussied up. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

baxter and duk duk's day at the bazaar (part 2 - and not a gummy more)

hee hee omg, duk duk, the way they fit, it is like these flippy flops were made for me!

u do not think they make my ankles look less ferocious, do they?

okay okay, do not get your feathers in a fluffle, duk duk. i was gonna do it already...okay, there. and still as comfy and awesome as ever. oh she's coming back...

miss market stall braavosi bazaar mom lady, me and duk duk will give u one bag of gummy worms for them and not a gummy more. :)

Monday, July 31, 2017

what a wolf wants

well, u know, mom, like these, only more me sized. and maybe in blue :)

Friday, July 21, 2017

call it donezo :)

hee hee, yeppies, duk duk, i think they are turning out pretty good, too.

yeah i know! i mean, could we be any more geniuser with this project? here we are not having to ready any more of those kissy books, having fun making supercool fine art from stuff we have on hand, and when we finish, we can put it all in mom's etsy shop and host the kind of summer art fair even we can attend, because nobuddy overheats while shopping online like they would if they were outside shopping in all this danger heat.

yeah i cannot wait til we are donezo so we can work on our art fair poster. see that's another genius thing - i mean why more people do not call them fart fairs is beyond me. fine art. fart. bob's your uncle really. welcome to baxter and duk duk's summer donezo fart fair! date tbd.

oh ps do not tell mom but i am really glad she took us to the art museum last week. it was really quite inspiring, wasn't it? all the styles and textures and colors. all the details and sometimes lack thereof. i really think as a wolf and a falcon we have something original and awesome to say thru our art, dontchoo? okay okay enough talking more arting..

hee hee, hmmmmmmm. okay, wing me the red paint, will ya, duk duk? i think this one needs a red ballie and then we can call it donezo. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

summer reading list

"...and the smelly girl kissed the unfortunate boy and they supposedly lived happily ever after..."

sheesh, duk duk! that's like the eleventieth kissy book we've had to read this summer. and thanks to all the reading we did not do last school year, we have like eleventy hundred more to go.

yeppies, i think u r right. if there is going to be any lesson learned, we are pretty much learning it now. well, we will be. go ahead and hit it, duk duk.

hee hee hee, yeppies it really is true. some things are definitely funner in comic book mode :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

today's forecast

hee hee, well, mom, today's forecast is sunny with a chance of delicious lunchy lunch.

Friday, June 2, 2017

definitely wolfier :)

hee hee, o i feel so regal when i wear it on this side, mom. okay, lemme try it back on my normal side.

o yeah, definitely wolfier. :)

Monday, April 17, 2017

fun with thrift store scores: kids tee edition :)

hee hee...finest quality....superior workmanship...

...there are letters...f-e-e-d-m-e.    ...interesting....


not for someone else. 
this dud is for me!!

yippee!  thank u, mom :) :)



Wednesday, March 15, 2017

hold me, like u did by the lake on naboo

well, mom, i guess we can, but u have to promise not to tell duk duk.

especially since technically, this outfit is pink, and princess amidala technically never ever wore pink. not in star poops one two or three. and u know what a stickler duk duk is for detail. i would never hear the end of it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

wednesday's doot is full of woot :)

hee hee, yeppies i am happy how our swirly glitter weenies all came out too, duk duk.  

what a stroke of luck that chocobot and his unicorn friends decided to have their pre-easter eatsterparty at our heat cave the other week.  i mean, we both know that chocobot can really make a massive pile but who knew that a group of unicorns can make like, literally an olympus-sized mountain glittery poop. and in all sorts of colors too. yeppies, even our museum was not going to be able to hold that much. we were really lucky they used their magic to help us bottle some for our swirly weenies, weren't we? 

my favorite combination? well, i surprise myself by saying this, but i am not sure i have just one.  i mean, on the one paw or wing, u have the chocolatey poopie brown series, and they are all actually very pretty - not just the poopie gold and browns glitter mix which everybuddy pretty much knows i would like, but the other ones too - falcony greens and blues, and even cootieful pinks and reds. those combinations we made all go nicely with the brown they way grass and tomatoes do when show up on the back end if u know what i mean.

and,  on the other paw - no wing - we have the princessy purple series, with your choice of unicorn purples and holographic glitter, falcony greens and blues, and of course cootieful pinks and reds.  i just want to swirl them all and stare at them forever, dontchoo, duk duk?  what's that, oh right.  sorry mom 2 keep u waiting. let me go ahead and finish getting ready so we can get this photo party started and get everything ready to post for this Wednesday. it'll only take me a minute, mom.... (shuffle , shuffle)...okay that's on nice n snug.

now one last thing. i think i have my lines pretty much memorized, but, duk duk, if u would just hand me my script, we can tape them to the back here where i can see them if i need a remin-


-der. wait, what??? mom, we can't lose the mask.  u said this time me and duk duk had full creative authority on this project and what with spring and easter coming up,  i mean seriously, what better time for a ferocious bunny to be selling these sparkly incredibly awesome -

...okay FINE, he says with frost visibly dripping from his words if that were only a thing in real life.  but, a) the change notice is going 2 cost u 5 extra gummy worms for each of us  b) we are going to need an extra 20 minutes to prepare and c) can u please go downstairs and get my purple plaid top hat while me and duk duk write and rehearse our new script? 

okay, c u in a few. 

hee hee hee, that went even better than i expected.  and, thanks to the fact that we totally already wrote our plan b script ahead of time,  now we have a whole 20 minutes to goof off. :)

(hee hee, don't miss tomorrow's doot for our super special sparkly swirly glitter weenies, let's say around 11:00AM EST. and please remember, as these goodies are partly made from glass and contain small parts, we like to think of these as goodies for grown ups.  please enjoy responsbily. :) )

Monday, February 6, 2017

hint hint

bee-dee-bee-dee-bee-dee. this is the voice of poopie control. klaatu barata pooptoe. danger danger! the poop must flow. all hands to foofiestations or by poopthar's snakey, u shall be stinked!

hee hee, um...okay, know that it's really me and i probably am telling u i need to go outside, right, mom?

Monday, January 9, 2017

little pink fuzzy wolf secrets :)

well, yes, mom, this one is really nice and i appreciate u making it for me from sleeve u cut from the cashmere sweater u got at the thrift store but...well...hang on...

nopies he's not over there...

...aaaand okay, i think the coast is clear...

so, do u think u can maybe make me a onesie with footies from the pink fuzzy angora sweater that i saw u also got from the thrifty store? and, u know, we can just hide i mean keep it in your and dad's bed and i can wear it when we snuggle in the mornings? :)

Saturday, December 31, 2016

goodbye 2016

mom, do u ever feel like u sort should have a lot to say but then u realize it will only bum u out so all u can really say is...
goodbye 2016. u were really weird.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

making spirits bright :)

hee hee, let's walk faster, dad! this cheer ain't gonna spread itself u know :)

Friday, December 9, 2016

final draft review

 ...hee hee, well of course nobuddy really likes him, duk duk. but he's the guy with all the presents so what can u do, really?

 yeah, i am glad that mom does not make us go see him in person either. my friend hankie says with every passing year he gets scarier and scarier,  and if hankie thinks he is scary, u know what i would think. and i am pretty sure santa would not take very kindly to an impromptu meeting with agent brown, if u know what i mean. 

yeah, it is so much better just to write him a letter, even if we do have to write it all by hand still. 


oh yes, where were we?  oh yes, final draft review. let's go back to the first page.. "dear santa....howya doin...technically good all year...blah blah blah...duk duk's fault..."  turning to next page...


"...mutually resolved to each party's satisfaction...laser guided mega monster trebuchet...block of cheese...robot walrus submarine...cannot take delivery until the 3rd for obvious reasons ....regards to the missus...enjoy the carrots and cookies..hope u did not step on the u know what by the stoop.  yours truly, baxter & duk duk".

well, i think that's pretty good, dontchoo duk duk? i mean, concise and to the point with just enough pleasant chit chat to hopefully smooth over some of our more notable infractions this year. which we clearly did not hide or cover up and in fact i think we explained ourselves pretty well. but, i guess don draper is right about changing the conversation.  i mean like, we never ask for cheese and santa i am sure will be like, cheese? what's a wolf and falcon going to do with cheese? i guess i will just have to find out! and then he will give us everything on our list because our list is so short, like seriously, he should be embarrassed to give us anything less than all of it really. then come christmas morning, bwoop! megamonstertrebuchet-robotwalrussubmarine!

hee hee hee, i love christmas so much, dontchoo duk duk? :)

Thursday, November 24, 2016

happy thanksgiving 2 u :)

um, mom, are we finished taking pictures yet because because we have been waiting like all month for this :) #thankfulforthanksgiving

Monday, October 31, 2016

saving halloween (part 3: a new beginning)


no, it's okay,  mom, really.  halloween is pretty much like the only day we want 2 ride the bus instead of pedaling 2 school.  well today and tomorrow on the bus because The Great Candy Exchange is tomorrow and that is practically the only day we can get rid of any smarties we collect, outside of us smashing them into candy dust. which i admit is pretty fun, but at least on TGCE Tuesday, we can turn our smarties into gummy gold. so, thank u for the offer, but we will stick with going 2 school on the bus.

okay, we will c u later....


hee hee hee, yeppies i know, right? like nobuddy's gonna ever gonna guess it is me because really, a wolf in a wolf costume? who would expect that??

well, technically that's true, duk duk, i'm a wolf in a wolf slash bunny costume, but seriously, everybuddy at school will be so busy saying like, my what big teeth u have, and oooo what smelly breath u have,  that i hardly think anybuddy will notice anything past the ferocious head gear mom helped us frankenzombiewolf from the zombie wolf we got at the thifty store...

hee hee hee, yessiree, my friends, today we are going 2 have a fantastic day at school. :)