Sunday, July 5, 2009

maybe not so bad after all..

dear diary,
i suppose it's not too bad hanging for a couple of days with my cat homies, Kerny and Honey Bear. their food REALLY tastes good, and guess what, their poop tastes even BETTER! i don't get why mom brushed my teeth after i snitched my first tasty log from that box they're always scratching in, but what a double bonus!! i almost wish we didn't go home yesterday, that stuff was so tasty. almost - cause i've got to look for bunnies of mass destruction today. they must be all over the place, i heard so much racket last night. good thing i was too tired to care about it, but i am so ready for a hunt today. wanna join me?



angie said...

turd burglar! that is one thing i'll never understand about you dogs... blech!!

Taffy said...

Cats? Not a fan...I do like to bark at them and chase 'em. Did you enjoy your weekend? Good luck with the rabbit hunting.
Love and hugs,

Kerri said...

I love how mad the cats look! rotl