"ooOOOooOOOOoooOOOo!" the little dachshund exclaimed when he arrived at the lunchy lunch table that his mom had set for him. Not only was today chunky chicken water day, but he could tell he was going to be served in the grandest of style.
"i spy a new dishtowel tablecloth!" he squeed as he put his napkin his his collar, "printed with friends i do not either have 2 bark at or share with!"
The little dachshund's nose twitched as he examined the other new score he knew his mom must have gotten for him and his dad on her recent trip. "why, it's a super cool dachshund shaped creamer in my second and a half favorite color, blue! and best of all, it's filled with chicken water!! well, mom, what are we waiting for, let's pour my water and get this chunky chicken party started!! :) :)"
(psst - in case u want to score these too, let your fingers do the walking and clicky here http://dishes.fishseddy.com/search?w=dog%20walker and here http://www.fishseddy.com/dachshund-creamer.html) #happyshoppingMonday