hee hee hee, okay dad, i will tell u but u have to keep it a peecret. it is quite simple really…

our first doot will be at noon eastern standard time and our second doot will be at nine pm eastern standard time. during each doot, me and duk duk plan to offer a whole 6 instant gazillionaire adventurer’s wallets (instant because we will be including one very precious eleventy zillion bags of gummy worms bank note, and one very important poooie snake credit card), 3 full trio sets of teeny weeny wonderlands magical poops +planets series (they are numbered uno dos tres and so on) , and there will be teeny weeny wonderlands which can be ordered individually under their particular squadron sector, which also corresponds to what is printed on the front side on the blue background and indicates how many trees are in each display - cachinnant (one big one little tree) , tempus (three little trees), and ergo amici (one big tree). and because they are all different, these individual teeny weeny wonderland boxes have their own designation, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and so on. additiona l ferociousification may be selected when ordering from the drop down. one can choose to enjoy them as is, or add a mystery pee spot, a hidey poop, or both a mystery pee spot and a hidey poop.
this is our amazing first doot selection . and even tho mom made us offer pink, well, me and duk duk made sure it was decootiefied.

and see? here is what i was saying - the top three are the sets for the first doot and then bottom shows boxes alpha thru iota which may be ordered individually under each squadron listing cachinnant thru ergo amici.

and this is our equally impressive second doot selection! hee hee, u might notice that the majority of wallets here are actually mostly colored after certain ferocious animals u already know. there would have been a more me now colored one but the gray leather mom ordered was not skived down to the thickness she needed so we can just pretend i am still baby poooie brown.

i really like how all our magical planets turned out, dontchoo? the teeny weenies look so happy to be spreading the pee and poop joy!

so, anyhoo, yeppies, that is it. hee hee so simple, right? o, one more thing - we made a timey wimey doot time translator chart. so our friends living elsewhere can finally figure out when the doot starts!

hee hee okay so now that’s it really. i hope u can keep a secret, dad, because this cyber brown wednesday will be so pooptacular! now can we go downstairs and eat a block of cheese before mom comes back? :)