Well hello there, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter reporting to you today from the crafts fair. It's early morning so luckily it's cool out and the foot traffic isn't too bad. Which is great for a little dog like me.

What's not so great though? All the art and crafts are waay up high so there's not much for me to check out down here where I am. I'm a little perturbed about that, cuz all I got to report about is the pavement. Oooh - I spy some chalk. Hee, I'll show them.

Yeah that's right. Baxter was here. And here, too! Um, yeah, so anyways, don't feel too bad for me because even though I can't enjoy looking at the stuff everybody made, I get to enjoy all sorts of little kids who come up to say hello. And you know what that means. That's right, sticky fingers that taste like ice cream and food!

So letting little kids pet me and shake my hand isn't too bad a gig for my meal. Nothin like the hoops I usually gotta jump through anyways. Plus you know what? Even big people come up to say hi. Mostly it's people who have doxies of their own, so I totally love meeting up with them. Speaking of which, hi lovely ladies from Georgia! Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to the three lovely pups I saw on your mom's phone. I can't believe your moms read my blog and that one of your moms actually ran into me here!

So anyways, that's it here from the craft fair. A lot of fun even if there is no popcorn on the floor and no squir - whoa, what's that I spy over there?

A tree!

Pardon me, I must cut my report short so I can free this tree from squirrels. This is Baxter, your roving rover reporter wishing you the happiest of Sundays.
Oh wait, what? Oh yeah, mom got a really cool cuff bracelet. Okay see ya!