Monday, November 9, 2009

a fine time

Sometimes it helps to be the odd duck in the house, or in this case, the only people crazy enough to mount branches on ladders and ladders on tables as part of our colorful booth display at yesterday's show. Folks were thankfully receptive to the point of view my friend Robin and I presented, and so traffic was steady throughout most of the day with just enough breaks for us to catch our breath and tidy up our display.

Robin and I will be spending today wrapping up loose ends, getting things like twinkle lights for the branches and more lighting to help illuminate our display for future shows, and dyeing fabric and swapping ideas for things to make to round our our offerings for our next show, the weekend before Thanksgiving. Out of town for both of us this time, a road trip. As always it will be a swell time, though I suspect if Little Kielbasa had his druthers, he'd want to come with us. Forget practicng his freestyle moves, perhaps it's time to teach him how to work the credit card machine...


Lindsey Zea said...

If you're ever hankering to come to Texas...First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas is the place to come...the largest craft/trade/junk/antique/you name it show ever! It's awesome...I was there all day Sunday last weekend and we only saw about 1/5 of it...bring your goods and come to Texas. They have it every first Monday of the month. Google it.

Bludog said...

Now you're just torturing us with pictures of the booth ... at which we cannot shop. Sigh.

Where is your Thanksgiving week show? I'll be near Asheville; ever get up that way? Sigh. I didn't think so.

You'd better get going on that Etsy shop!

kalyxcorn said...

Oooh, I think I'd be in trouble at that there Texas show. All I'd want to do is shop! Totally gotta get Baxter goin on doing checkout so I can play at a show like that!!! I went once to something in Texas hill country when we visited there a few years ago , pre-baxter, and it was swell...

hey bludog! i'd hate to cause such anguish! if you happen to see anything that piques your interest, email me and we can drill down into the details. Even if it's just a colorway that catches your eye because you never know what we might have with it in another form. There's a plethora of goodies - hats, jackets, quilts, silk and wool/cashmere and even cotton scarves for the wool averse, purses, even socks and lavender filled sachets for stocking stuffers, and we'll be replenishing supply on stuff like crossbody purses and hand dyed silk scarves. Robin also has an etsy site that I was going to share in a future post, but I'll preview it here. Like mine, it is a work in progress, but she does have a smattering of her hats and scarves on it.

hope everything is going well! :)

Alicia said...

Aggghhhh!!! Too many beautiful things, and they're all out of reach!

Evil temptress...

Lorenza said...

Tell your mom she is very creative (well, I guess she knows that). I love the way it looked!
I am sure she sold tons of things!
Kisses and hugs

chloejessica said...

It all looks so great!! Love the display!! I love when Chloe gets to come to my shows, sorry Baxter couldn't be there! And I wish Chloe could work a credit card machine, bc I sure can't! :)