"ooooh zee great madame olenska looks into her magic ball and sees many poopie snakes in your future, my duk friend.
and for only five kibbles and a look at your new scooby doo comic book zat u have not even bothered to share with your best dog friend even zough he has been very nice to u and let mom think it was he who foofied when u really made with the stinkies, she will tell you how u can find zem. and tell u where your captain boy adventure cards are that u have been looking for. yesss the great madame olenska sees zis and - what? hey stop pecking me.....mommmmm!"
- bax- uh, madame olenska, age unknown, overheard in her fortune telling booth at the sideshow for baxter and duk duk's amazing circus.
Baxter.... oh... I mean Madame Olenska... great outfit! The necklace is a nice touch too. Have a great day and if you get a chance, stop by. The boys are having their first birthday today.
pawhugs, Max
Are you old enough to remember Johnny Carson's Karnak? (mom, that is)
yippee i just did and bugsy n knuckles got some coool presents! :) b
well miss cheyne923, mom is not here right now but i will ask her. is karnak anything like kayaking? cuz that is so on my pupscout list of todos for this fall. :) b
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