Hooray!! With the last package sent out for Christmas and Santa's crafty workshop now officially on vacation, tiny chumley and I took the time yesterday to build the desperately needed Expedit shelving unit we scored last week. Mostly with me building, and Baxter - when not trying to sit in my lap while I hammered and screwed - keeping watch while resting comfortably under george's gentle warming breath.
Twilight had arrived by the time I finished building the IKEA beast and affixing it to the wall, but that didn't stop the little kielbasa from coming out from the shadows to claim what he felt was so obviously should be his.
ooo, me n duk duk always wanted a tree house u can climb into - save this cubby for us, okay mom?
Okay baby dog, but promise me you'll help me fill all the other ones tomorrow, okay?
yippee!! and yessireeubetchabygolly!! :)
LOVE THIS!!!! Need one myself as my sewing room ceiling needs to be replaced and I have taken over the dining room!
Am so happy that you liked B's quilt- first time doing free motion quilting!
Hooray! Now mom can organize *and* you have a treehouse to play in! And what a bonus--the treehouse is indoors where you can stay warm and dry!
miss agnes, mom says u will need more than one, they are like potato chips!! we now have two and one is chock FULL of fabric, and of course this one which will be full of who knows what! and we could still use another two i betchoo!! :)
yes miss jeanne me so excited bcuz u know about us doxie and not likin to get wet unless snackies or squirrels are involved! :)
Reminds me of the old show, Hollywood Squares, or even the Brady Bunch. Perhaps if you put your toy friends in the other cubbies and yourself in the middle, we could fire questions at y'all!
Just thinkin'
Aw what a good helper! Of course the shelfs should be yours
Dachshund Nola
Just like dachshunds- can't have only one! Will have to look into getting two in the spring!
Oh goodness! Shelby does that to me, too. Any time I am doing something (currently painting a room in our house) she thinks she needs to sit in my lap. LOL Cracks me up. Nice shelves!
~Milly and Shelby
Get all the duks over for a Hollywood Squares photo op! Great idea!
Baxter... Bugsy and Knuckles would like to reserve a suite on the second floor of your new condo unit there. Very wonderful.
pawhugs, Max
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