Wednesday, May 30, 2012

scenes from a restaurant: conversations with an only child

so anyhoo, mom n dad, that's why u should never let a walrus borrow your ladder except on wednesdays or holidays or date numbers cleanly divisible by 12.96541.... o hey,  did i ever tell u about why me n duk duk need a lion on our pirate ship?

ooo- sure!  i most definitely would like a snackietizer while we are waiting for our lunch if u do not mind.   (crunch crunch) o, kibble - dat's yummy! (crunchy crunch crunch)

(crunch crunch) 

hey, (crunch) whatchoo takin pictures of back there, mom? (crunchy crunchy crunch crunch)

hee hee, o my tail chub?  well, if u think that's funny, mom, i got a good one 4 u. o these are tasty. may i have help myself to a few more pieces of kibble please?  

okay.. (crunchy crunch crunch) so, after we put out flags..(crunch crunch) and duk duk worked on our mariners badge and didjoo know..(crunchy crunch).. that even though we live far from the coast, seafood.. (crunch crunch).. is always very close at hand and readily accessible? 

here, let me ..(crunch crunch) you..(crunch crunch) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


okay, i apologize for such uncouthy behavior.

(blink.   blink.)

boy our food sure is taking a long time.


hey didjoo know when i do my eyes like this, i can see stars?  

i think it is the milky way galaxy.  or maybe it is a whole new universe altogether, filled with rawhide meteors and planets made of cheese! ....hey, u know, i really think scooby doo could do a whole lot better for companions, dontchoo? i mean i like shaggy, but u never see them doing anything but solving mysteries and why wouldn't shaggy at least take scooby doo to the pet store or the park like we do, right mom? cuz even though solving mysteries can be fun it can also be scary and speaking of scary, please do not be alarmed by the poopie snakes me and duk duk left in the driveway to dry bcuz when they are ready we are going to take them down to the creek and try catching fishes with them . oh i cannot wait for our lunch to come, can u mom?  :)


Alicia said...

Tail chub. I love tail chub. I don't love MY tail chub, but Dachshund tail chub, very much.

Thank you Baxter!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Love the conversation- and the tail chub!

3 doxies said...

Ooooooh good golly you has me and mum crackin' up and laughin' overs heres cuz dis is so much much likes our conversations and then hers and My Girl's conversations..hers an only child...hehehehe.
Anyways, is da food theres yet?


Anonymous said...

Baxter just makes our day, every day!!
Ha ha ha! Tail chub!!
Wishy is in the tail chub club, too!
Wishy and Dawn

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the smiles today.
Miss Linda & Princess Kirby

Jane said...

Baxter, I bet you brought a lot of smiles and happiness to the people at the restaurant that day.

Jasper + Amy said...

That looked like such a wonderful lunch you had with your mom & dad Baxter!! But please don't tell Jasper about leaving poopie snakes out to dry for fishing, I don't want to find anything like that at our house. :)

Lorenza said...

Sure you have very interesting conversations with your mom and dad!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

You need A Lion for the pirate ship - can I ask you why? Because that sounds scary.

HH and The Boys said...

Good post, Baxter... Got the smiles goin' on over here.

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee miss alicia and miss agnes, thank u! mom says u should have seen my tail chub when i was chubbier! :)

well puddles, the food finally did come and it was deeee-lish!!

u r very welcome miss linda and princess kirby!! :)

hee hee o i dunno miss linda. i was too busy talking with my mom n dad 2 notice but the waiter was very nice and he brought me an extra water n everything!!

but miss amy, they float n everything so u do not need a bobber thingy!! :)

hee hee thank u mi amiga lorenza!! :)

o pretty nelli, u know i never got to tell mom and dad about that and i so need 2 order him soon so we will have him in time to set sail this summer. do not worry i will tell u all about it soon. :)

thank u max! :) :)