Tuesday, March 12, 2013

time paradachsnduks: united we stand

dear diary,
jumping an hour ahead in the future has proven  rather exhausting for me and duk duk, but lucky for us,  now that me and future now baxter have come to the agreement that we are all now baxter and duk duk as well as past and future baxter and duk duks, respectively, we are able to move on to more important matters, like finding out how in the next hour i will be changing my mask from black to red when the only thing we brought with us was a cherry tomato (which reminds me i really need to ask future now baxter where they keep theirs so I can show them ours!), and more importantly, we need to work on our argument to mom that since there are now twice as many tummies to feed , we both should get twice as much as food and snackies as before, and get it  twice as frequently since being on time shifted rumbly tummy schedules affects everyone tummies equally, or i should say, doubly.

well diary, i must go find future now baxter and future now duk duk and past now duk duk so we can all go find chocobot and lil pink puppy and play guess whose foofie.  wish me luck bcuz i just know future now baxter is already head of me in foofie production by a whole hour and that could give him a very lethal advantage.

pastnow b. :) 


Jane said...

Baxter, maybe you can get straightened out by the end of the week with the one hour future deal. I know it is very confusing at first trying to adjust. I like you whether you are future or past in your little mask. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, now my head really hurts! If the TARDIS didn't work, then maybe we need the Starship Enterprise. But, if the tracter beam is malfunctioning, then we might end up with 2 "good" Baxters and 2 "evil" Baxters. And then, well, more than foofies hit the fan!!
