Showing posts with label hardeeharhar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hardeeharhar. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

personal sheeshus

Sometimes all a little boy can do when things don't go his way is cope, as only a little boy can. :)

Monday, September 29, 2014

mission impoopable

okay Cassie, remember this was not my idea and I only agreed to do it because your dad cannot walk u on account your mom is away visiting your grandypops and your furless sister little miss Sarah still has a super bad case of poison ivy. so my dad is walking u while my mom walks me. only u have to stay over there and walk behind me because even though technically u are still a puppy, I can already tell the cooties are coming in and me no needy that, what with poopie con only two weeks away.   

oh, and one more thing. do NOT even try to herd me from back there, got me?  my swirlies will see if u get too close and I've got a p-eeeew locked and loaded and ready to stink u up, capoops? and hey hurry it up already because the faster we walk, the faster we will get to bunny meadow and already I am worried that we might not get there before they all go back in there burrows for their mid morning naps and then there will be nothing to chase and it will all be your stinky fault for not walking faster. okay, not that there should be any after all that, but, u got any questions? 

say what?? sheesh Cassie, your dad said u did it twice already before we came and got u. we can't just stop cuz u gotta..I mean, who even does that? all poops should be safely deposited in a pup's  own backyard to preserve shape and stink integrity. that's puppy 101!  I have never pooped on my walkie. every poopie is precious. your poopie snake collection must be a sham-

okay fine. u do what u need to do but u are no longer part of this mission. me and mom will wait with u until u r done and then move on to finish mission while u and dad go back home that way. just follow the bend in the trail and be sure to stay clear of the foofie trap I set over by that tree. I laid it pretty low to try and pay back that big dog that barked at us. but since it is not very windy today, I bet by the time u pass it, the stink will still assault your nose pretty good. anyway, like I said me and mom are gonna keep walking to bunny meadow cuz there should be at least one bunny to chase and I have not chased one in forev-

oh Cassie, right there by the side of the walkway? mom do not even try to take a picture. that's like, so uncouth- wait, phoo-wee! is that as big as I think it is? Cassie that is massive. I mean, that snake is like, as much as I make in a day. only, massiver. impressively massiver. museum quality massiver! oo thanks dad. how did u know I was going to ask if u could bag that up for...hey hey, where are you going? hey wait up for me, wontchoo guys? that bag's for me dad, yes? we are all going home now, right? yeah let's go home. u lead, Cassie, and I will follow u. :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

woke up this morning

Our free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime ends very soon, which I suppose bodes well for all of us couch potatoes, save for one little dachshund who perhaps has become a little too enamored of a certain family drama that he won't be able to finish.

but mom, it's like this.  u pay the annual fee, and me and duk duk will make sure it is worth your while, capoops?  no poop strings attached or nuttin.  how can it get better than that? now do we got a deal or what? :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

once in a blue moon

well, i am not sure, lil pink puppy. it was a long time ago when i overheard her say it and mom was not very specific at all. only that it would happen when this day came and the day has definitely arrived because before she told us we had to stay right here, i saw her take the bucket out and she put all the kitchen stuff in the family room......i wonder if he will do it on his own like superman..or maybe he will sprout tiny wings...yeah i think wings too because really if u do not have wings, it is not really flying, is it? 

ooh i think mom's trying to say something..

yes mom, we promise to stay out of the kitchen until the floor is dry. and besides we are busy!

hee hee, didjoo hear that my friends? mom is finished so u know what that means hopefully.  houston, prepare for liftoff...

u can do it, mister piggy! flying is your destiny now that mom's finished mopping the kitchen floor!! :) :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

public service announcement: stinko de mayo

Why hello my friends, it's me, Baxter your roving rover reporter!  Today is the day we all celebrate the most glorious of stinky holidays, stinko de mayo!  And while it is a day of much fun and foofiefoolery, my toyfriends and I want to take a moment to remind everyone to please be considerate and stink responsibly.  Otherwise, you might get in trouble with your mom and not be able to celebrate it at all in the way that u would like to. And be stuck with a lot of leaky cans of foofie that u cannot even take to school on account of having already been warned by your teacher to clean up your lockers because of the stink from the secret tadpole tank u are keeping at school for the little misses because their mom did not want them to keep any more tadpoles than they already have at home. So, there you have it my friends.  Unleash the stink, but please,  this Stinko de Mayo, remember to stink responsibly.

My name is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you the super stinkiest of stinko de mayos :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

sign language

dear diary,
you know how somedays u think u are so luckee because you wake up and find out from your mom that u can stay home from school, but then u find out the reason why is because the tushie man is coming to give you a three year rabies shot and then u do not feel so lucky after all?  well, today is one of those days.   and since he will probably be working close to u know what and i might be too excited to remember to say anything beforehand, i figured it was very important to make up and post a reminder for the tushie man where a reminder is most necessary.  i hope it does the trick.

b. :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

the bees and the birds

do not worry, mom, you do not have to tell me because I figured it out already.  first, birds lay eggs so we can paint them for Easter. second, bees fly into flowers to appreciate them better, u know, the way I stick my nose into the dirt so I can sniff it better.  oh, and third, even though it is very obvious from one and two that they have nothing in common, birds and bees must find a way to live together and share the land, no matter how buzzy the birds think the bees are, or how chirpy the bees find the birds. so in order to peacefully coexist, they make sure that each of the other flies over there. just like boys and girls have to do, only by standing and with a lot more cooties involved.  is there anything I missed? :)