Monday, July 24, 2017

interview with an artist wolf and artist falcon

hee hee hee, well mom lady interviewer, that is a very good question. i think duk duk would agree with me in saying that we think that people will be pleasantly surprised by the delicate balance of richness and restraint we used and the vibrant subtlety of the work we created for our very first fine art fair. we want our work to challenge the viewer, yet also charm them, and sometimes secretly, sometimes not so secretly, take them to their happy place. to that end, me and duk duk focused primarily on four different themes for this show.

what's that? oh no i am sorry, to maintain the joys of surprise, we cannot specifically share theme specifics nor will we preview all our fartwork now, but i can tell you we hope the themes capture the essence of nostalgia and beauty through our use of carefully selected imagery, materials, and color. as conceived and imagined by a wolf and falcon, of course. next question?

yes, i can see how one might think that, but nopies, there may some sly references to it, but with this series of fartworks we also wanted to challenge ourselves and as such there is no direct depiction of it. visual metaphors maybe. but yes i can say with absolute certainty there is no literal depiction of poopie in our work for this show. besides, that is what cyber brown wednesday is for.

how many pieces for the fair? oh, um, hmm. i think maybe 13 or 14, right, duk duk? it really depends on if we can get the kind of bubble gum remover that wont eat thru canvas if u know what i mean. what?? no, mom, okay, i know u told us we could not chew bubble gum inside but taking away our wii for three weeks is hardly commensur- um, yeah okay okay, duk duk, i agree. can we please get back to the interview, professional lady miss interviewer?

okay, yes, we decided we really like the look and feel of small but chunky canvas so that is what we used as the base for most of our fair fartwork. and we finished the sides and put hangers on the back and everything so no additional framing is needed. our biggest piece is hmmm...8x8 inches and then smallest is 3x3 and most are a nice 1 3/4 inches deep. like i said, chunky. meaty, like my rumpty dumpty.

oh yes, a great last question. our summer pop up cyber fart fair starts this friday at 10:00 am est. only at kalyxcraftopia. thank you for interviewing us and we hope 2 smell u there bc we think you will really like it. oh and here is one of our supercool fartfair posters. :)

Friday, July 21, 2017

call it donezo :)

hee hee, yeppies, duk duk, i think they are turning out pretty good, too.

yeah i know! i mean, could we be any more geniuser with this project? here we are not having to ready any more of those kissy books, having fun making supercool fine art from stuff we have on hand, and when we finish, we can put it all in mom's etsy shop and host the kind of summer art fair even we can attend, because nobuddy overheats while shopping online like they would if they were outside shopping in all this danger heat.

yeah i cannot wait til we are donezo so we can work on our art fair poster. see that's another genius thing - i mean why more people do not call them fart fairs is beyond me. fine art. fart. bob's your uncle really. welcome to baxter and duk duk's summer donezo fart fair! date tbd.

oh ps do not tell mom but i am really glad she took us to the art museum last week. it was really quite inspiring, wasn't it? all the styles and textures and colors. all the details and sometimes lack thereof. i really think as a wolf and a falcon we have something original and awesome to say thru our art, dontchoo? okay okay enough talking more arting..

hee hee, hmmmmmmm. okay, wing me the red paint, will ya, duk duk? i think this one needs a red ballie and then we can call it donezo. :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

summer reading list

"...and the smelly girl kissed the unfortunate boy and they supposedly lived happily ever after..."

sheesh, duk duk! that's like the eleventieth kissy book we've had to read this summer. and thanks to all the reading we did not do last school year, we have like eleventy hundred more to go.

yeppies, i think u r right. if there is going to be any lesson learned, we are pretty much learning it now. well, we will be. go ahead and hit it, duk duk.

hee hee hee, yeppies it really is true. some things are definitely funner in comic book mode :)

Sunday, July 16, 2017

things worth being good for :)

hee hee, nopies, not gonna do it, duk duk. just gonna sit right here in dad's lap with my paws tucked and not get into any trouble whatsoever til nine pm est :) #thingsworthbeinggoodfor #gameofbonespremieretoniteynite

Friday, July 14, 2017


...and the little ferocious wolf chomped and he chomped, til his tummy was full and round and tight as a drum. :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

now always ready :)

well, technically, it has always been always ready, but sometimes it helps to highlight our important qualities, dontchoo think, mom? :

Monday, July 10, 2017

happy skritchy monday monkey noises

hee hee hee, okay okay, mom n dad, maybe i am part monkey after all :)

Friday, July 7, 2017

what happens behind the sofa stays behind the sofa

well, mom, maybe it is there because there is no such thing as a big good wolf?

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

today's forecast

hee hee, well, mom, today's forecast is sunny with a chance of delicious lunchy lunch.

Monday, June 26, 2017

smello world

hee hee, i know we do this every morning, mom, but every morning smells different, doesn't it? :)

Friday, June 23, 2017

chunk and dunk :)

hee hee, oh yes, this will be much better, mom. and now that my ears flappies won't get wet, i bet i can totally beat duk duk at chunk and dunk today :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

watermelon break :)

dear diary,
finally school is out for summer and to celebrate and take a break from finishing up our leather clippies, i had watermelon. and it was delicious.

tomorrow me and duk duk hope to drop off lil pink puppy and lulu the tiger and chocobot at summer camp and then we will be back to start project uknowwhat. more on that later  :)


Monday, June 19, 2017

chesties with besties :)

hee hee, okay okay, duk duk. just let me post this to instygram and then we can ask mom if she will take us to see wonder woman again. :)

Friday, June 16, 2017


yeppies, mom, i understand. and under normal circumstances, we both know i would not be asking. but u were there and u saw what happened. desperate times require desperate measures. okay, i am ready whenever you are.

(garrrrggh arrrug arrrh garrrg)

oh yeth, hthere harr hat leath eleventhee hmillion cooteeth in hmy fronth theeth alone...:)

(ps -happy friday, friends and do not forget to skidmark your calendars for tomorrow's saturday double doot matinee at 11:00 am EST, featuring a litter of nine of our tiny remembering books made from vintage book covers, and a bunch of leather clippies. u know, like the ones below) :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

nightmare on cootie street

dear diary,
the  birthday party for little miss julia was really fun except for the part where i thought it was also my lucky day because i found a nice bone to chew on, which i did til somebuddy mentioned that it was probably cassie's and she had pretty much already slobbered all over it and i was like, "bleah, does anyone have any listerine handy?"

anyhoo, i guess it is just as well because now that i am all gunked up with cooties, i get to stay home and help mom get ready for our saturday double doot matinee at 11am EST.  i hope to tell you more about it on friday and show u some pictures but basically it will be a combination of a new tiny batch of tiny remembering books and more super awesome leather clippies !

b. :)

Monday, June 12, 2017

heart 2 heart

mom, i know it is little miss julia's birthday today, and i really want to help celebrate it, and i know there is going to be delicious cake and everything, but, do i really have to go over to cassie's house?

Friday, June 9, 2017

said the bee to the wolf

the little dachshund waited patiently while his buzzy bee friend pondered this most unusual request. most ferocious beasts, the bee thought to himself, would simply ransack his home and eat all his honey. and most ferocious beasts would do so without even bothering to ask.

o-beeeeez k-beeez, said the bee to the wolf. bzzzut do so gentlyzzz ozzzerwize myzzz butt zzzzmight stingzz you.

yippee!! squeaked the wolf in a most gleeful fashion. thank you so much and do not worry, mister bee, i may be a ferocious wolf now, but i was once a little dachshund and when i was very little, my mom taught me manners. in fact, see? look how daintily i hold my paw as i take my first gentle lick of your superdelicous bee butt. :)