Tuesday, February 11, 2025

laundry day

it’s been a year without the little kielbasa in our lives. i still think of him daily, still miss his sausagey body and stubby little legs, his gentle kisses and his skippy little walk. baxter never really figured out that the best way to avoid the attention of all the big dogs we would encounter on our walkies was to be quiet. instead, as soon as he spied the giant predators that he wished would avoid him, tiny chumley would bark, loudly proclaiming for all who could hear that they should stay away from him, and inevitably drawing the exact attention he wished to avoid. major barking from both parties would ensue as each dog continued on their way, the peace in the neighborhood throughly disturbed. 

there was only one dog on our walkies route that baxter knew better than to do this with. medium size bolt was a ninja in his own backyard, racing out of nowhere to surprise and aggressively bark at passersby along the entire fence line that separated his domain from the greenway. needless to say,  an ambushed baxter would also bark his little head off, and there was nothing we could do except rush our tiny wolf along, getting him to run with us until we hit the bridge that marked the end of bolt’s territory. this happened every time we took that route, until the day baxter decided to take preemptive measures. that day, as we walked down the sloping pathway that would lead us past bolt’s house, i noticed he had his tiny hackles faintly raised. and then, a few steps later, as soon as we hit the corner of bolt’s fence, before bolt even knew we were there, baxter started to run. his shorty legs propelled him at full speed until we hit the bridge. every time we took that path after that, every time we hit that fence corner, baxter would start running, sometimes letting out a nyah nyah bark or two midway, but never stopping til we hit the bridge. smell ya never, bolt.  ninja problem solved. 

today was laundry day for a lot of harnesses we used for those walkies. what a good little boy he was. ❤️

Monday, January 22, 2024

find me again, my little friend

This past year has been a bit of a roller coaster in tiny chumley’s real and aging life, the looming clouds of darkness gathering, despite all our efforts to keep them away.  Our posts became less frequent to protect this precious cyber world of eternal optimism, friendship, and love, to give tiny chumley space, and to let the hash waves of reality wash over us privately. Each time life caused us to stumble, we picked our little pack back up, and rebuilt our happy boat as best we could, until we could no longer.  I wish I had better news to share today, dear friends. I wish I could maintain the sanctity of this wonderful, happy go lucky space if even for a second longer. I wish, well I know, that there will be better, but different, days ahead for this world. But here we are now, in this moment, utterly heartbroken, and completely shipwrecked.  Rest in peace, my beautiful little boy.  Take time to say smello to joey and maggie, lily and marshall, lorenza, penny, lulu, cricket and pepper, kirby, guinness, rudy, elliott and emma, ralphie, and all our little friends we’ve lost over the years.  But please, please come back to me. Find me again, my little friend. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

today i am seventeen

hee hee ooooOOOOooooOooo! hey hey, mom, hurry up and put it down here where a wolf can see already!

oooo, made with teeny weenies and thrifted vintagey goodness.

finest quality, superior workmanship…

truly pooptacular! and it is just how a ferocious wolf envisioned it!

um, so i know duk duk and chocobot and lulu the tiger and lil pink puppy are not back yet from princess prettypink’s holiday partyrama but u think maybe i can try my birthday crown now? uknow, just 2 make sure it is ferocious enough? 

hee hee, wait’ll everyone gets a load of me!

hee hee, ooo, i thought a wolf was feeling  ferocious before, but this birthday crown is 
totally taking it to the next level! i cannot wait til duk duk gets - 

uh oh, a wolf is feeling tingly tangly woofy - 


um, mom, can u maybe make my crown maybe seventeen percent less ferocious? just enough so a wolf can still enjoy his meat cake 
without, u know, eating his toyfriends. :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

puffy jacket weather :)

tiny chumley’s aging little body has been reminding us both to appreciate our time together a little more, and so, despite the many things we could and should be doing, we find ourselves sitting together by the open window, watching and smelling the world go by.  :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

nopies nopies nopiesrazzi:)

well, mom, it is mostly because i am a grown up ferocious wolf now, and ferocious wolves are rarely captured on film. but today can be an exception if u make it snappy, and maybe give me a snackie or two, or three or four or, u know, eleventy. :) 

Monday, September 11, 2023

a tomato a day brings the shark to bay :)

The  little dachshund was very excited. Not only did he and his best toyfriend duk duk convince their mom to have a spookyween doot in early October, but his tiny tomato farm had produced so many tiny tomatoes this year that he could chomp not one, not two, not even three tiny tomatoes but eleventy tomatoes a day. At this rate, by the end of  summer, i will have perfected my chompy chomp so much that i will be ferociouser than even a shark, he thought to himself with glee. :)  

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

first last :)

the little dachshund spied the delicious tiny cherry tomato in his meal bowl. “o luckee me!” he squealed with glee. “a tiny tomato picked fresh from the garden!  the perfect addition to my bowl for lunchy lunch! i save save it for last so i can savor it.  no wait , i should chomp it first, because i am ferocious and that is what ferocious wolves do. no wait, last, because flavor will linger and it will be the last thing i will remember from my meal. no wait, first. no wait, last! first! last! first! last!”

 and then, before the little dachshund could debate any longer, his tummy decided for him. “hee hee,” he thought to himself as he chomped into its juicy deliciousness, “first.” :) 

Friday, July 28, 2023

weird science :)

well, i know we have the dvds but it just seemed easier to buy and stream it all, what with, um, well, u know, what with project baloney cheesevds having been prematurely and, if i might say again, unjustly terminated. 
and besides, duk duk thinks it will probably take at least a week even in this heat before the cheese melts and the baloney is hard enough to eject properly :)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

some kind of wonderful :)

well, i guess what with my ferocious fur suit and it being a feels like over one hundred degree day, a wolf can stay inside. but mom, promise me u will check on the poopie snake museum. i betchoo it smells wonderful :) 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

big bada boom

A few insanely loud, house shaking, seemingly professional grade firework booms a few years back have caused tiny chumley to be little less predictable when it comes to days like yesterday. Usually, we turn the tv on loud with some sort of bang bang shoot ‘em up movie and or sit with him in the bathroom while the festivities happen, but yesterday, the combination of a pacing little wolf and a need to do some laundry led me to an interesting discovery that I don’t know why we didn’t think of sooner. And so we sat in the laundry room, watching the wash go round and round, enveloped in the white noise of the dryer and the occasional jet engine like noises of the washer, the booms sounding farther off than the ever have before. 

um, well, a ferocious wolf needs to protect his hearing, and u need clean laundry so poopso facto this is perfect really, isn’t it? just let me know when it is over bc me and duk duk will b busy, u know, playing games that may or may not cause us to pass out in here. :) 

Monday, June 26, 2023

crash test dummies :)

hee hee, hurry up and get your smelly butt down here, duk duk! we still have to grease the ramp and our new crash rail and we still have to test the prototype uknowwhats filled with uknowwhatsmellyelse and we have to do it all before mom gets home! 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

super luckee day :)

the little dachshund squealed with glee. “a strawberry bigger than my nose and toes? why today is definitely my most super luckee day!!”  :) 

Monday, June 12, 2023

unloaded question :)

well, when u say pooped in the bedroom, could u be more specific as to which bedroom and also specify exactly where? and by just, do u mean in the last five minutes or the last four hours? i mean, i am only asking so we are both clear on the question that specifically needs to be answered. :) 

Monday, June 5, 2023

all for one and one for all :)

the little dachshund could hardly believe his eyes. “omg,” the little dachshund exclaimed to his mother as he stared at the silver basket placed before him, “our very first harvest of blueberries from the garden!  i count one, i count two, i count three, why, i count eleventy zillion of them! and they all smell delicious! hee hee, wait’ll duk duk tries to guess my foofie tonitey nite.” 

although the little dachshund was eager to start chomping, he paused, reminding himself that thoughtfulness and manners are always very important. “mom,” the little dachshund asked before putting a napkin around his neck, ”did u pick any for yourself and dad, too?” :)