Wednesday, March 31, 2010

scenes from a sewing room

A tiny peek inside our day, a pictorial evolution of the work I am doing for an upcoming dapper doxie dud, compared and contrasted with the sleepy evolution of Baxter's day. Both of us happily engaged in our own endeavors, yet ever so mindful of each other's presence.

I didn't realize til after I snapped the center photo that Baxter was doing more than just sleeping while I sewed away. On his hind leg, a thread, evidence that my boy's migrating about had transformed him into an accidental and very oversized lint roller. Just another of the gajillion and one reasons why I love my innocent little boy.


mamamouseiam said...

Beautiful pictures, pure bliss, but how is it that you are permitted to sew without Baxter on your lap? Schroeder always insists on "helping" me sew by settling in comfortably and resting his snout in the crook of my arm! :)

Bludog said...

Molly wore her flowered corduroy dapper doxie dud to the dog park yesterday, sat on my lap - up above the fray - and was queen of all she surveyed! Now some other doxie will get to be as magnificent as she is when you've completed their wearable art ;-)

Anonymous said...

Wow - Brings back memories of when I used to curl up next to my doxie, Simon, sleeping in the sun and take a nap with him!

kalyxcorn said...

hi mamamousejam! hee - i should probably let Baxter in my lap cuz at least then i'd have an excuse for not being able to sew a straight line!

hi bludog! aw, love to molly! she's such a seasoned girl!!

hi melanie! ooh sleeping in the sun with a doxie? pure bliss!! i really need to make time for that this week, come to think of it.

carolyne b said...

I have a red doxie just like Baxter. His name is Dakota and he loves to sleep in the sun shinny doorway just like Baxter. I also have 2 female black and tan doxies 9sisters) who sleep on the landing or stairs in front of the door. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Is that Annie's fabric? It is BEAUTIFUL.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I love to help my mom in the same way!
Have a great day!
Kisses and hugs

Semper Wifey said...

...and this is exactly why I love dachshunds so much! :)

Alli and Frankie said...

Oh my gosh. That little belly!!!!!Awwwwww! Baxter is so cute!

kalyxcorn said...

hee - oh yes it is Annie's fabric! I quilted it a bit with regular and iridescent threads to keep things from shifting when I washed and shrunk it, but just know that the finished "fabric" will always have some degree of quilty wrinkly in a grandma's treasured quilt sort of way, unless you really have the hankering to iron the living daylights out of it! (I personally love the piecey tight quiltly look).

oops, I am out of comment order! Would love to see a picture of Dakota and his lovely sisters! One can never look at enough pics of doxies!!

hi Lorenza! I just know u are good at keeping your mom company. You're Baxter's role model! :)

hi semper wifey! long time no chat! hope all is well!! :)

hee- allie n frankie, i guess it does look like I have a cute beer gut there, huh? but trust me it's pure muscle! yeah, that's it! ;)

Sandra said...

Baxter, you are obviously an indispensable partner in the work room. Without the morale boost you bring to the table how would anything get done? Keep up the good work.

Flash, Alven and Dottie