Wednesday, March 23, 2011

owl eyes

dear diary,
hee hee, checky checky the super cool vintage cookie jar owl that my mom and uncle dana found at the vintage store! no silly, the owl is on the right and i am on the left, though i must admit i did try to sorta dress up like that owl eye guy the big kids at the school playground have been tellin me about in that book they are reading called the great gatsby.  the kids haven't gotten very far in the book so all i know about him is that he liked to read and  had big owl eye spectacles. so, i kinda took it from there.

anyhoo-hoo-hoo, my uncle dana took the cookie jar home with him and i kinda wish that he left it cuz i am pretty sure if i kept my snackies in there, there is no way duk duk would ever mess with it cuz duks are afraid of owls.  or at least this one is.  so maybe one day mom can find me an owl snackie jar and that way i won't ever have to worry about duk duk messin with my snackies again.  not that i might deserve it or anythin like that, ;)

well diary, since i am dressed like an owl 2day, duk duk suggested that i should ask my mom if she would take me to hooters for lunch.  that would be swell, wouldn't it? cuz we totally could meet other cool owls there!

talk to u again soon! 



Lorenza said...

You are the best, Baxter!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, thank u lorenza! i'm not quite sure how true that might be, but i surehave fun tryin!! :) hope u r doing well and nighty nite!! :)

M.A said...

Owl wha?!?

I can't even remember anything you just said... All I see is your handsome little face! The owl spectacles suit you well Mr. Bax!

Miss Mary Anne

Hannalei said...

I'm with Mary Anne ... What did you say ??? So freaking cute. I needed this cuteness today!!! Bax never fails to make me smile when I need it most!! XoXoXo's! Great cookie jar! :)

HH and The Boys said...

Baxter.... love the picture. The tie is the perfect touch!!

pawhugs, Max

Sandra said...

Adorable picture! You most definitely look very owl-ish. A most impressive accomplishment.

flash, alven, dottie

Jordan said...

Hahaha, that's adorable! When I show this to my little sister she's gonna wanna come steal you for her own!! <3

Anonymous said...

Your creativity is an inspiration! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Great photo! Do you ever make calendars for us fans to buy???

Thanks again for making my day!

kalyxcorn said...

hello world! thank u everybuddy for the nice compliments! i suppose it is really hard for a fella like me to not be cute even when i am trying to look smart and owl-y!!

yes mistermiss anonymous, my mom usually does end up offering a calendar on etsy. the new ones for the next year that she has to order and have inventory on she tries to have ready closer to the holiday season like november, though she often makes a print on demand one from zazzle which are usually a little pricier cuz the zazzle people take their cut. but what is cool about that one is u can change when the months start and everything so that way u could have a calendar that starts now and ends a year from now! who needs to wait til the beginning of the year to get a new calendar?

here is the linkypoo