Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ooo dats good

dear diary,
can u keep a secret?  cuz even though i am four now, i like it when mom skritches me all over, and especially my good spots.  u know, like under my collar and on top of my head and under my chin and all those places that make my hind legs go thump thump thump. and sometimes, i lean into the skritch so hard that i almost fall over. cuz yep, it's that good. but please don't tell anybody.  cuz i got a reputation to maintain.



Lorenza said...

My lips are closed. Your secret is safe!
Just enjoy those skritches!
I love them too!
Kisses and hugs

Hannalei said...

as I say when giving Shiloh a good scratch over.. Lean with it, roll with it, rock with it. Doesn't matter where the scratching is happening there is some mega leaning happening too. :)

Keren Hening said...

"Now dat I'm 16 - dat's really old, ya know - Auntie Keren sayz dat my hiney legs go like crazy wheneber she scritches me ANYWHERE! I say: tuff nouggies, Auntie Keren. Jes' keep a-scratchin'!"

HH and The Boys said...

Yep... nothing better than a hand that knows how to skritch.

pawhugs, Max

sio said...

The hubby is always surprised that I know just where to skritch - each dachsie has his own special area! But I'm known to know just the right spot for ANY dog!! I guess that's my special talent! (that and dachsie halloween costumes!) :)

Baxter said...

thank u lorenza, the squirrels could so use that against me if they knew! they could make like a giant skritching machine and it would be my kryptonite if u know what i mean!

hee hee, miss hannalei, u can have quite the skritching party with your doxie six pack! congratulations on your new addition!!

ooh miss keren i bet u r a great skritcher! u can skritch me anytime!

hee hee, miss sio u can skritch me anytime too! and your hubby is right, you totally have that halloween costume talent!! i hope u have time this year to make something for your three pack!!

hmmm, kitties like skritchin too? who knew! cuz mom says she always manages to find the bad spots where they like, scratch at ya!

Kerri said...

Minnie's favorite skritch spot was about 1/2" in front of her tail. If you were sitting with your legs crossed, she might walk under and start rubbing back and forth under the hanging foot. One day, I noticed a scabby spot there and couldn't figure out what had happened. Until I busted her skritching herself on the bottom step of a step stool leaning against the wall!

Pretty Nelli said...

a friend of mine calls that 'thump thump thump' an air guitar