Sunday, August 12, 2012

and we will hug him and squeeze him and pet him all over :)

Hee hee, a certain little someone worked very hard to earn his snackies yesterday, though not necessarily in the way he was accustomed to earning it.

mom, even though my tummy is telling me not to say anything on account of all the snackies we are getting and it has been really nice having them over to play with me and all, well, don't the little misses sarah and julia have dolls at home that they can, u know, hug n dress up n stuff? 


Lovable Lily said...

Hi Baxter!

Never turn down playing the Love Game! You're just so dang adorable, how can one resist you?

Lily Belle & Muffin

Jeanne said...

" . . . and we will call him George . . ."

Poe can tell you that little human girls don't mean any harm. That's just how they love you! And it's all worth it for the snackies. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Baxter, but with our doxie figures we look so good in just about anything. Sometimes you have to 'suffer' for fashion (and snackies).

- Miss Dixie

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee well lily belle, the snackies helped a lot with all that! :)

and yep u r so right miss jeanne n poe.

hee hee, miss dixie, but even i know u do not wear a pilgrim hat with a green and white zoo dud! :O