Monday, July 1, 2013

corn summer-ku


so tasty to eat,
you are a double fun treat.
poop u later, friend!

- baxter, 6.6 years old, on discovering the bountiful joys of eating summer corn


Anonymous said...

Baxter, you eat corn like a true gentleman. It's very impressive to watch you nibble the corn and leave the cob. Question: How does the corn affect your poopiesnakes... if you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

I bet Baxter makes "corn snakes"!!

Lovable Lily said...

Just don't eat too much of that Baxter! My BFF got really sick from eating too much and ended up in the hospital. We sure don't want that to happen to you!

Lily Belle

kalyxcorn said...

u know mistermiss anonymous, my dad scoops up my poop b4 i can see for sure but i am hopeful that it is very corntastic!

and do not worry lily belle, i only get to nibble like a couple of inches at a time. but i am very grateful for your concern. always! :)