Wednesday, August 15, 2018

the great divide

eeeew. cassie, u r doing it again.

i told u, WFSHA cootie transmission prevention regulations clearly state that in situations where a physical barrier cannot be erected, two parties shall maintain a minimum separation distance of no less than 378.093 milimeters. min-i-mum. every time u pant i feel your expanding chest and stinky cootietaminated breath violating my personal space. keep this up and next thing u know, i will be sick for we-...hmmmm....for weeks...

kaaack! kaaack!!!

um, mom, when did u say the first day of school is again?


Anonymous said...

Admit it, Baxter, you are enamored with Cassie. Come on, admit it.
There's nothing wrong with you having an Old English Sheepdog girlfriend. Heck, I'm a mini dachshund and at one time had two girlfriends....a foxy Chihuahua and a beautiful Cairn Terrier. Needless to say, they didn't know about each other.

Little Wisconsin Klaus