mom said she wrote about taking me with them wherever they travel yesterday and now she leaves me behind to help out at something called a wedding? what up with dat? she said she would be back in four days but it's not like i can tell time or anything so i'll have to look for her like everytime i walk back in the house. oh well. at least me and dad can hang out and maybe i can lick a few chik-fil-a crumbs off the floor cause i just know dad'll he'll go there while mom is away. Or maybe Wendy's. Oooh, french fries. You know mom and dad have never given me one but they SMELL so good and i think i might have had one when i was a puppy.
Mmmm, fries! Love 'em! Never had chick-fil-a but I've heard my family talk about it. The wedding wouldn't be much fun anyway. They would all be worried about shedding and muddy paws...much better to stay with Dad. I loved seeing you in your car seat. And how spoiled are you having a vet that comes to visit? Or maybe that is a bad thing.
Love and hugs,
we were pleasantly surprised to find out our mobile vet is comparable in price to an office based vet, if not better in many instances because his fixed overhead is much lower. who'da thunkit? it's really nice because if the vet is running late, we're just at home doing whatever. so there's no buildup of doggie anxiety of any sort. you shoulda seen it when the vet did a quickie driveby anal gland expression. baxter didn't know what hit him.
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