Sunday, August 23, 2009

great moments in history and art

Ever since Lepidoxerology, I've been noodling about starting an occasional series for kalyxcornucopia featuring Baxter plopped into various images, but found a ton of excuses not to mess with it just yet. Should the series have an overarching theme like great moments in history? Maybe do a where's waldo in art? Can my eyeballs and fingers hold out with all that crop work? Nothing really came to mind that motivated me to invest energy in exploring this more. Then comes along the crasher doxie contest over at Who's Your Dachshund. The chance to win who knows what and ignore all the stuff I really should be doing? I'm totally there.

So a gajillion cropping clicks later, I give you the images I just submitted to the contest. The following image is a Norman Rockwell painting. Talk about your crashers. I like how Baxter's the only one at the table paying attention to that fine, fine, superfine turkey.

The next image is an iconic snap from Kennedy's Camelot years. I felt sorta bad blacking out little John John, but I suppose it ain't art without a little suffering, right? Anyway, hopefully this inspires you to suffer just a little, too, and have fun submitting your photo to the crasher doxie contest over at Who's Your Dachshund! Hurry, the deadline is August 30th.


Lorenza said...

Pawesome job! I love the pictures!
Good luck at the contest!
Kisses and hugs

Taffy said...

I hope you win, Bax! I wish Momma could do that stuff...she is not very talented! Love the crashing you did!