Saturday, November 21, 2009

if i had ten dollars...

dear diary,
i don't really understand what dollars are, but duk duk says that if you have a lot of them, well u can make a lot of things happen. so here are some things i would do if i had TEN whole dollars (that's a lot, right?):

  • donate to DRNA to help more doxies like me get rescued
  • buy enough rawhide so every doggie can have one under his christmas tree this year
  • install a doxie door so i can hunt whenever i want to
  • take some mechanical engineering classes, preferably at MIT but Stanford will do
  • make my own jet pack so i can keep up with the squirrels, even if they climb a tree

hmm, i'll have to think about what to do with the left over money.



Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I am not so sure 10 dollars will be enough for all those things but sure you have very good ideas about how to spend them!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

Baxter, don't worry about all the goggies in the world having a rawbone. Tulip is in the studio right now writing a song in the likes of "We Are the World", and, "Its Christmas Time", to raise money for goggies without rawhide. It's going to be HUGE. So don't worry about that cause. If you invent the jet-pack just be sure you have some good breaks on that thing. You could fly right into a tree and hurt yourself. I know sometimes Tulip has little self control chasing squirrels she gets totally "in the zone" if you know what I mean.

Have a nice Sunday.

kalyxcorn said...

will maybe 20 dollars work? that is TWICE as much as I thought. i miss hearing my mom read about u, lorenza. i hope she catches me up soon.

brakes? it's a good idea but i have a feeling it will b all i can do to make this thing work with my paws. but maybe my MIT professor can help me. ;) tell picasso i said hi!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, brakes not breaks, Tulip does not make a good spellchecker.

Picasso says hi!