Tuesday, December 29, 2009

grumpy ears

Our house is gradually showing signs of age. Slowly but surely we are becoming smarter in all the things that need replacing as a house gets older. Water heaters, HVAC units, garage door openers, rotted trim, new roofing, and surely one day new flooring. Whatever deteriorates with time, I am sure it will have needed to be fixed or replaced by the time the faces staring back at us in the bathroom mirror look barely recognizable to the young adults we subconsciously still think we are.

Yesterday night, another thing that needed fixing added itself to the top of our list of things to do. The springs on our garage door sproinged a mighty sproing, a last hurrah that told us it had broken in two and trapped our cars for the night. Baxter ate dinner and slept, blissfully unaware of our situation, or that a stranger would come this morning to give us back our driving freedom.

Little chumley would have stayed unaware had his spidey senses not tingled this morning when he heard, from behind closed bedroom doors, the sound of dad opening our front door. A stranger's voice was all that was needed to put our boy on high alert, though Baxter's rapid fire barking did little other than chase away the morning silence.

By the time little kielbasa made it downstairs, the stranger had moved on to the garage and was nowhere to be found. Signs of the stranger's presence still rattled about in the form of muffled noises barely audible from the family room in which Little Chumley now sat.

My morning nap was rudely disturbed, his ears lamented grumpily.

Thankfully, our garage door is now fixed, with a ten year warranty on the springs that will hopefully afford Sleeping Beauty the full rest he needs. No more grumpy ears, please, for this tired little wiener boy.


angie said...

oh baxter...

Elizabeth said...

Baxter's nose is looking better. Lulu scraped hers up again while she was at the kennel. That silly dog.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Our morning beauty routine was interrupted by a man who came to take pictures of all the stuff that was broken during the move. Ginger was all over him, of course, since she loves men, and Chip protected his Mama from the man. Someday he will learn to not bark, but that day could be in the very far future. Now they are napping in the back of the computer chair, supervising mam.

Alicia said...

Interesting. We replaced our roof this summer (springtime hail and tornado damage) just before you did. Our garage door failed about three weeks ago, and luckily was immediately repaired that day, with Oskar taking a supervisory/quality control position during all maintenance processes.
I'll let you know when something else begins to fail so you can be prepared. Keep an eye on the plumbing.

Oh, by the way, we're building a new house. Oskar should be a licensed contractor by the time we're done.

Bludog said...

Our house was built in 1896. 'nuff said? And we are not the "handy" types...

Fortunately, my critters mostly love repairmen, painters, etc., etc.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I don't like when my naps are interrupted!
You have a worried look in that picture!
Glad the doors are fixed!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

poor lulu! yeah I am wondering what it'll take for his nose to get back to dark again. maybe a little sun.

doxies are great at supervising, aren't they, Chip & Oskar? maybe can teach me a few lessons.

whoa a tornado! ugh, we already replaced the water heater. more to come on plumbing???

1896! That's so cool. I don't mind the painting much, well, the final color coat. Everything else is the pits.

hi little Lorenza! I hope I don't have to worry for a long time now. :)
