Sunday, January 17, 2010

day 2: the plan

Hi, Baxter your roving rover reporter here, reporting to u today from my car. Well, it's not mine really, it's one of my mom and dad's. You might recall that mom left for a trip yesterday and I am stuck here having to count to six before she gets back. I don't even remember how to count to six, so Duk Duk and I decided we are going to drive and see her. It can't be hard, right? Anyways, that's Duk Duk down there. He is gonna work all the pedals and I am going to steer. We figured it would be best on account of Duk Duk bein a duck n all and he doesn't have a license. Me, at least I got my dog tags.

Okay, so r u ready? Buckle your safety belt and let's go! Hmm, why aren't we moving? Duk Duk are u pressing on the right pedal?

Yep, that's the one mom uses. Hmmm...

Maybe we are out of gas. Duk Duk, what do u think?

Beep beep! Service please!

Uh-oh, do u think dad heard that?

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter signing off, uh, a little early. Gotta go.
See ya!


Lorenza said...

Team work! It is very important to accomplish what you want!
I hope "your" car has enough gas to take the road and go looking for your mom!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

"no sir I do not have a license but I do have a rabies tag. Does that count?"

Anonymous said...

Hey Baxter--We're in a similar situation and have to count to six starting tomorrow. We knew something was up when the suitcase came out and grand-pup arrived to take care of us. Why don't you and Duk Duk come on up and pick us up and maybe we can all find our mom's together....kate & allie.

Bludog said...

Honestly, this may be my favorite Baxter post ever ... and that's a big compliment, because there have been so many gems!

Taffy said...

Baxter, I'm still waiting for you to come and pick me up for out date....maybe you could swing over my way while trying to find your mom?
PS: Mom said great post and pawesome photos!

kalyxcorn said...

heehee. thanks! my dad said even though i was very cute, i am not allowed 2 drive at all. like what is up wit dat? maybe it's cuz i am only three years old and the law says i shouldn't be riding in the front seat. maybe that is why they have backseat drivers. anybody know how that works?
