Tuesday, January 19, 2010

day 4: lookout

dear diary,
so far no sign of mom and quite frankly there is not much 2 do now that i am grounded from the whole car thing. thanks a lot, duk duk.

anyways the weather here is nice and even though it's only in the 50s, i like it when the window is open so i can smell and listen for squirrels. maybe later i will snuggle with dad.



Alicia said...

I hope that you and dad are having a bit of fun while mom is out of the house. Trying to take off in the car with Duk Duk was pretty bold, so I'm glad that dad took the keys away from you. Or, did you not have the keys?!! We were away to Pennsylvania for 5 days, and now Oskar is catching up on some quality lap naps.

Don't feed dad too many snacks cause he may get an upset tummy and you wouldn't want that.

Taffy said...

I'm so sorry you got grounded. No fair I say! I hope you get some wonderful cuddle time with Dad.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
That Duk Duk!
I hope you had a nice time with your Dad!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

hey my mom is going 2 b in pencilvaineeuh tomorrow! i wish i coulda gotten a ride with u and then i coulda waited 4 her there.

hi twix n lorenza!! hope u r having a better time than me! :)
