Tuesday, January 12, 2010

a fine spot

With so many other options for warmth and comfort available to the little kielbasa, there's no wonder why it took Baxter three years before he discovered the thermal joys of our kitchen floor vent. But find the vent he did yesterday, just in time to be under foot while I started making dinner.

I'm not exactly sure what to do about his new discovery. Whether or not I should hold firm and shoo him away to his kitchen bed to maintain discipline and reclaim my kitchen sink, or if I should succumb to the bewitching brown eyes that plead for me to let him stay there, to let his little body soak up the heat like a bun in the oven, just as his brothers did before him for so many years.

I like to think that as I grow older, I also grow wiser. But situations such as this only remind me that there should be balance between wisdom and matters of the heart. Yeah, he really needs to goto his kitchen bed, but life's too short for anyone to miss out grabbing comfort and joy wherever it can be found. Even if it means I gotta step around the brown bun on the floor.


firstyouleap said...

Isn't it great when the discover something 'new'? I completely agree that allowing him to grab some comfort and joy is a good thing. I bet it also provides you some comfort and joy to have the toasty cinnamon roll at your feet (it made me happy!). Melinda and Jeeves

Bludog said...

We have a vent under the desk where the computer sits. Every once in a while, we won't be able to find Molly - she's not in the chair, not on the couch under a pillow, not curled up under the dogbed, in her cat tunnel or in the crate in the kitchen ... Then I'll remember to look, and there she is - under the desk lying in front of the vent. Despite having vents all over the house, that's the only one she likes, and she wants nothing to do with it when air conditioning is coming out rather than heat.

Alicia said...

If there is cooking action, Oskar is sitting right in front of the stove, and will begrudgingly trot to his window seat when none of the food items interest him. Otherwise we're carefully stepping around the "wanna be official taster" as we prepare meals. Often a reminder whine, cold nose on the calf, or incidental front paws on the lower leg stretch drives home his desire for culinary participation. Perhaps since we watch several cooking shows together, he feels that he has the palate of Tom Colicchio and should judge our food accordingly. Or maybe he's just being a Dachshund!

Unknown said...

At my house we have a floor vent they can sit on. They love roasting their buns there. I also purchased a space heater that is a tall cylinder and it radiates heat. There is a grid along the outside to keep it from getting too hot to the touch. I find doxies snugged around that on a regular basis.

Sweet story.

Lorenza said...

Every time my grandma is in the kitchen... I am right there with her!
And my fav spot is the stove... and I don't move away until she finishes cooking! She knows it is not safe for me so she has to be very careful!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

don't doxies love the heat? it's a wonder at all they started in germany. i really gotta look into the cat tunnel. it seems like it would be grand on the days when it's too cold to go walkies (huntin, a totally different story. that can happen ANY day!). i love top chef but loved top chef masters even more! i like tom colicchio and top chef - though i thought top chef masters was even cooler! sometimes i think doxies like to get in the way just so they can trip us and make some food fall, don't u, Lorenza?