Monday, January 25, 2010

flight of the doxie

Well hello again. It's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to you today about me. Yep, that's right, me. You see, today I hope to fly, just like all the birds in the sky. Wanna watch?

Now Duk Duk says in order to fly all I have to do flap my wings, but since I don't have any, I am going to use my ears cuz they've always been pretty flappy

Fasten your seat belts, everybody. I'm ready for takeoff!

Engaging right flapper. Chugga chugga chugga

Oops, I seem to be having a problem with my left ear flap so I'm gonna have to go full throttle to get both my flappers working.

Please, for your own safety and protection from the anticipated sonic boom, stand back as I turn on my thrusters.

Chug chug chug. Vroooosh!

Yipee, I'm almost airborn, I can feel it!


Whoa THAT was fun! This is Baxter, your roving rover reporter saying let's totally do that again!!!


Semper Wifey said...

So cute!

Alicia said...

I could almost hear the engines roaring as Baxter flew over the asphalt! Is there anything this pup can't do?!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I need to copy your technique!
Sure it was fun!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

ha! five words -
clean up his own poop.

now that wouldn't THAT be something?


hi Lorenza and Semper Wifey!!


dachsiema said...

Looks like Baxter has "earned his wings". LOL

Fernanda e Pink said...

these big ears are so cool !!!!! yeah!!!

Taffy said...

Bax, are you secret agent Under Dog?

kalyxcorn said...

ssssssssssseeee-cret. like, hushy hush. promise u won't tell?