Wednesday, March 17, 2010

baxter o'chumley

There was a wee doxie named Baxter O'Chumley,
Whose tummy did rumble, all noisy and grumbly.
Said he with dismay,
"No rawhide today?"
And looked at his humans, ever so humbly.

- baxter, 3.25 years old, quietly celebrating st.patrick's day due to the Great Rawhide Famine of 2010.

happy st.patrick's day! luv, b.


Lorenza said...

Happy St Patrick's Day, Baxter!
You look great!
Sorry about the no rawhide celebration!
Kisses and hugs

3 doxies said...

What up wit da no rawhide? We thinks her fibbin' lad. But we must say you look absolutely ravishing in your duds and what a fab photo!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy St. Pats Day!!! You look absolutely LOVELY. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Keep giving Mom the eyes, Baxter- she'll find rawhide! You look great!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Top 'O the Morning to you Baxter O'Chumley. Holy Cat Crap.. there is a rawhide famin??? LOVE your hat and pin!!!

old lady said...

What a cute Leprechaun you are! Surely some little treat will come your way today.

Bludog said...

Well, it IS bigger than a national holiday - being an international holiday and all...

We are the world! We are the weiners!

Erin go Chumley!

Surely that deserves a rawhide?

AmyM said...

Oh, that is the most devine hat! Love the bling on it. You are a dashing dude Baxter, happy St. Paddy's day!

Alicia said...

Holy St. Patrick!

Sure as there isn't a rawhide famine, Baxter O'Chumley!! Your fair lassie is fibbin', I'll tell ye. Now, in the good name of St. Paddy go and ask with those soulful eyes and receive your treat!

Good thing that ye be wearing the green, 'er I'd have to give ye such a pinch!

Oskar O'Canine

Agnes B. Bullock said...

LOVE the hat!!!! Don't worry- come visit us and our favorite treat dispenser (MOM) will give you all the great treats you ever want. We have her very well trained!!!

Rowdy and Bette said...

Hey Baxter,

No need to harbor such grief,
Cause for dinner your gettin' corned beef!
And a famine of rawhide?
You won't be denied.
We offer our shocked disbelief.

Happy St. Pat's,
Joey and Maggie....

Sandra said...

Baxter, you have a face that begs to be photographed. Adorable! Also, how did you get so good at posing in front of the camera??? The only one I can kind of wrangle into a decent picture is Alven and I need a lot of treat bribes to do it. I am impressed!

Sandra, Alven, Dottie and Flash