Thursday, April 22, 2010

cheery cherry red chairs

Some quality rootin around time for tiny chumley yesterday, meandering about in the backyard as he did, sniffing out every nook and cranny for a good forty five minutes, all while I spray painted my latest thrift store find. This year, a coat of red, but who knows what color next year will bring. But for three bucks a can and a ton of colors out there, I can't wait to find out.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Red is a grreat color. Maybe next they can be Red White and Blue.

Bludog said...

We're loving the new collar!

What a pain to spray paint those open lattice chairs... the red is good though.

Hannalei said...

Oh my gosh .. I would have never thought to pick red. I've always seen them in black, grays and whites. My Mom has the full set along with long bench and neat table I am SOOOO showing her your idea hope you don't mind. They look terrif!!!

Lorenza said...

Red chairs! I like them!
Baxter... good job snoopervising your mom!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

hee - the other colors I considered were robin's egg blue, golden yellow, chartreuse, and orange. it wasn't bad at all spraying them - in fact, it actually takes less than a can each. maybe for July 4th I can weave in some white and blue ribbons!