Saturday, May 15, 2010

mistaken identity

Okay, I admit it. Sometimes when we are expecting a repair guy at the house, I put Baxter out on the deck. Yeah, yeah I could do the right thing and work on the whole stranger barky thing, but not everyone who comes to our house has the time to put up with all that fuss or noise, especially repair guys. Before the doorbell rings, before the service guy even drives up on our driveway, out on the deck our little watchdog goes to smell the roses and bark at the squirrels, blissfully unaware of all the commotion inside. At least, that was my thinking.

My ploy worked a whopping total of two times before tiny chumley caught on to my ways, sensing and smelling that something was different when he was finally let back inside. Chumley would run about the house, nose in the air and barking at every turn with tiny menacing hackles raised, in search of He Who Must Be Barked At. Only to find nothing, much to his dismay. But SOMETHING, he knew, was up and he missed out. So, when he remembers, tiny chumley knows to be a tad suspicious when he is left on the deck alone.

Yesterday, tiny chumley followed me out on the deck to shake out a rug and he decided to linger, rejecting my calls to come back inside, choosing instead to soak in the sun and roast his piglety body an even darker shade of brown on the baking stone that is our deck. Fine, I figured, he can be stubborn by himself while I take care of some things in the kitchen.

By the time both our wills caved in and we met at the door, me ready to let him in, and he ready to be let in, tiny chumley forgot how he ended up on the deck in the first place, and spied what he thought was a shadowy figure inside. "Whoa," he paused to think, "Who DAT? The guy I never get to meet??" From the safety of the deck he barked, til he finally realized he was barking at his dad.

"Oopsie. Silly me. We're all friends here, right? Wanna let me inside now?" And chumley happily trotted in, radiating heat like a bun fresh from the oven, as if nothing ever happened at all.


A MilShelb Mom said...

hahaha! We do that, too. I'll admit it. We either put them in the back yard or in a bedroom (depending on the weather) and they have a similar reaction to his and go running through the house barking at the smell of whomever was there. We rent and we do have one repair guy who comes to our house a lot because the person we rent from uses the same people... anyhow, this guy has doxies, too and always speaks to Milly and Shelby. I thought that was so sweet of him. :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We Dachshunds can be soooo easily distracted. However our lives are sooooo full of surprises.

kyley said...

oh silly Baxter! Now imagine taking your dachshund to a retail shop...where strange people come and go ALL the time!

It took a LONG time but I think my boy has finally got it. No barking at customers while at work. Well unless they give u the heebeejivies - then its ok to protect mom. :)

kalyxcorn said...

ooh I wanna shop wherever you are!!

hi milshelb & frankiefurter!! :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I don't need to be outside to start barking at someone I hear doing noises... and most of the time is my grandma who I bark at!
Kisses and hugs

Hannalei said...

That is hilarious! I love the way you write and express things. Molly does the same thing. Air particles are out of place and she must know why. A little crate time always makes her a suspicious pooch. :)