Thursday, August 26, 2010

hunger strike

Ladies and Gentlemen, I interrupt my mom's scheduled blog posts with a very special announcement. As you may be aware, this is day four of my mom's twelve day trip and Duk Duk tells me that means there are nine days left before she gets back. Nine whole days! I miss mom so much, I've decided that I am not going to eat this bone until she is home.

HA! Who am I kiddin?

You didn't think I'd really do that, did you? Mom says it's not good for little doggies like me to go hungry. Now baths on the other hand? Yeah, totally not takin a bath while she is gone. THAT I can do. :)



Owned ByDoxies said...

Now B...your momma won't wanna come home to a stinky boy!

Anonymous said...

Dirty dogs have more fun, Bax! That was on a beach towel our mom found for a young friend for our beach vacation! Stay cool, Kate n Allie

Ruby and Penny said...

Hope those nine days pass quickly.
Love Ruby & Penny

Anonymous said...

hahaha, such a funny update, thanks for the smile!

Taia & Slinky

kalyxcorn said...

nope nosirree, no bathee for mee! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Baxter - You are such a scamp! *wink*
Your friend Hildy

Have fun rolling in the worm skids!


Lorenza said...

Lots of treats and no baths??
Kisses and hugs