Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i like watermelon

Tiny chumley's first ever taste of watermelon. The verdict? Yum!!


Natural Balance Dog Food said...

It is rare for pets like dogs and cats to love eating fruits. Congratulations for that.

elsie said...

most of my pups are not wild for watermelon but the will hold it in their mouths to avoid the piece being eaten by Karma - who is probably a true vegetarian!

kishiko said...

I love watermelon,too!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Wallymelon is wonderful... wait til you get some FROZEN it is the best on a hot day.

Bludog said...

Hmmmm. I will have to try that with the critters. They love baby carrots - well, Molly tolerates them if nothing better is offered up - but not much else of the fruit and vegetable variety. Will report back...

Lorenza said...

Watermelon is delicious, right?
Glad you had the chance to taste it!
Kisses and hugs

Taffy said...

First ever taste? I'm sorry you had to wait so long before getting some of that wonderful stuff! It is sooooo yummy. Matter of fact, I just had some tonight ;o)

Anonymous said...

Miss Chica did a watermelon dance all day long. She's wild about it, and I think she'd attempt to eat one of those 'personal' melons all by herself! She likes: green beans, carrots, sugar snap peas, stawberries, raspberries, orange, at times grapefruit if it's really sweet, honeydew, cranshaw, and musk melons, tiny little tomatoes or slices of bigger ones (I go real sparingly on tomatoes and citrus because they cause doggie digestion problems.) She digs french fries (rare event) but no other potatoes at all. Fresh pineapple sends her, and cheese is always greeted with a toenail dance. A long string of Spaghetti will thrill her, but the uncooked kind presents a logistical problem in it being 9 inches wider than she is...but these are the rare treats. Chica snarfs her rice and lamb diet, the only one that sits in her tummy just right. She definitely 'knows what she likes'. I'm sure glad she likes me!