Sunday, September 19, 2010

drive thru doxie

dear diary,
yeah, that's me. crawlin up like a little puppy on to the front passenger seat of my mom's car. it ain't pretty, i know. usually, i'm in my snoozer in back, all nice n comfy without a care in the world. in fact, that's where i was when i first started this crazy trip, where i was only ten minutes ago.

i guess i shoulda known that sumptin was up when mom put me in the car, when i noticed that we weren't goin to our usual destinations. i shoulda known when we pulled up to that strange new joint. it smelled funny when she rolled the window down and put money in that machine. then she turned off the car and we didn't get out.

i was still tryin to be brave when the first strange noises started. big, splooshy noises, like rain was pelting our car at a hundred miles an hour. i can do this, i thought to myself. i'm sure it'll stop in a couple of minutes.

but then things got dark and i couldn't see out the windows anymore. foam, mom called it. i tried to get away from the big shadow that was going round and round, spraying our car. i hopped over to the side of my bed, thinkin that was that, til i realized that wasn't gonna be good enough. and then i tried making my way to the front.

and that's where i came into this story. it ain't easy, trying to fit a ten inch wide body in a nine inch hole. mom finally lifted me up and over and into her lap and i thought i could finally settle down to enjoy the show, but the rain stopped and the whooshy wind started, and mom said we had to go so she put me on the floor where she knew i'd be safe but where i knew i didn't want to be. so that was me, being a big ol puppy and wantin a little lap time.

then just like that, it was over. my first time thru the car wash. not so bad when i look back at it, really. mom says next time she'll make sure we sit together before the wash starts, u know, just so i can keep her company.

and that's about the only thing i'd change. cuz looky, afterwards, mom took me to another drive thru, and this one had snackies just for me. yippee!!



Jiorji said...

aww Baxter!!! you're so brave! I'm pretty sure your mom was way WAAAYYY more terrified than you were. DOn't you agree?? that foam sure is scary!!and you feel like you're in a giant washing machine! POOR CAR!!

Hannalei said...

Ok ... your adoring Oregonian fans need to know. Did Mommy giggle the entire time? I suddenly feel the urge to have my van washed by the machine other than me just to see how one of my Weens would do.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, what r u 2 ladies still doin up? i hope you're making wonderful things, miss jiorji, cuz at this hour, my mom's just goofin off!

considering i don't have a problem with thunderstorms, mom had no idea i wasn't gonna enjoy the car wash as much as i did so she was smiling at first but then she felt kinda bad for leavin me back there, which is how she ended up doin all sorts of gymnastics to help me up front and what a bummer that the wash was done by the time we were all settled so we could enjoy the show. my hint, totally keep your weens in your lap for this adventure! :) b

Hannalei said...

Ahh I will remember to "not" take them then. They'd most likely freak. I'm up because it's only 10:28pm here. Oregon coast time. :)

kalyxcorn said...

it might have been a different story if he had rawhide and if our pack was together. chum's a little on edge, feeling like he has to be man of the house n all. i'd say totally take your bravest one, and be sure play up fun fun fun! and everything is fun when they're sittin in your lap! I also could have sworn we did the drive thru once before. Butcha know,every day is a new day! :)

Tris and Ivy's mum said...

Baxter you were indeed very brave. We hate it if mum takes us into the washer monster and we go CRAZY biting at the water hitting the windows of OUR car. Mum doesn't take us through any more cos it's too scary!!!

Iron Anne Vane said...

ARRRRRRRGG! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day, and if ye be a pirate like me, then go git yer pirate name and use it! Let me know who ye be, Baxter. Yer wench can type it fer ye, and then we can have a grog together, ye lubber.

Dirty Col'n Selby
(aka Oskar)

kalyxcorn said...

arrr me name is, uh, Cap'n Tiberius Kirk n me one winged duk friend here is Adama. tomorrow we set sail for Rawhide Island, lookin as we arrrrr for the lost treasure chest of Black Jack Louie. There's kibble in there I hear, and crowns made of milkbones, and robes spun from jerky treats. join me won't u o selbly boy, we can grog it up on my shop the Chasing Squirrel!

u too professor D, i could use an doctor on board if ye so be willin, seein's how u might be a professor n all. u can be the master and i'll be the commander.

A MilShelb Mom said...

We went in one of those one time and we HATED it! You're so brave! We also love Chick-fil-a even though we don't think we get it nearly enough!
~Milly and Shelby

Iron Anne Vane said...

Shiver me timbers, Cap'n Tiberius Kirk! I be with ye as soon as I slip away from my wench, 'ol Iron Anne (aka Alicia) with a keg 'o grog and kibble. A robe of rawhide be just the treasure for me, and a schooner named the Chasing Squirrel be a fine ride too, matey.
Pipe me aboard!!

Dirty Col'n Selby

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I am sure that car-wash thing would scare me a lot!
You were soooo brave!
And later.... yummy treats for you!
Lucky boy!
Kisses and hugs

M.A said...

Bravey Baxie! My momma doesn't take me to the car wash because she said I am a big wuss! How can I convince her that I am not?

Oops gotta go! Momma needs her iPhone! I guess the cousins are coming over for dinner and they're calling her!
