Peek into our backyard yesterday morning and you would have seen the little kielbasa, happy as a clam rooting around in the dirt and sometimes naughty boy barking at the neighbor basset, and me, bobbing up and down as I picked up one pinecone after another and tossed it into the wheelbarrow.
All for a crafty project, right? Maybe use them in a wreath or potpourri or a pinecone doxie creation, you'd say.
And I would have to sheepishly tell you no, no such luck. I would admit as I am doing now that I picked these pinecones off the ground yesterday cuz I didn't want these prickly wonders to accidentally hurt my short legged little friend. Sticking an unsuspecting little paw as the chumley tore around the yard in the heat of a squirrel chase. Boo booing his little pink tummy. Raining on his otherwise rainbow filled life.
Yes, today, I admit it to the world. I am a pine cone picker, and I am a doxaholic. :)
Hey, pine cones can make nice firestarters if you have a woodburning stove or fireplace! So a harvest of pine cones could be good for you *and* the little kielbasa.
ooh, maybe then we could roast marshmallows n wieners too! wait, duk duk just told me that doesn't sound right. i meant hot dogs. u know, the ones that plump when u cook them? wait that still doesn't seem to exclude me. ummmm, okay, maybe just the marshmallows in any case. i so need to ask mom if she will sign me up for cub scouts so i can learn how to make a fire!! :) b
I think you are very thoughty to be sure Baxter has a safe yard. Very wonderful and I'm sure he appreciates it... Don'cha, Baxter? Those are some pretty pine cones, though. They would make a great wreath. Have a pawsome day.
You are a great mom! Annie stepped on a prickly something last week on our walk, poor baby couldn't even take another step. I pulled it out and she gave me such a grateful look! Oh, by the way- got your box yesterday, THANK YOU! Looks even better than the pics! I'll take pics on Sat., Annie is getting dudded up to go to her cousins place.
Baxter, I think you'd look FABULOUS in a Scouts uniform! Maybe you and Duk Duk could work together to get some patches? Y'all could start with a pinecone birdfeeder. (Although if I know a doxie, probably more peanut butter would end up in the Scout than on the cone ...)
That was a multipurpose task!
Taking them away from Baxter to avoid an injury.... and keeping them for a nice ornament... I know you will do it!
Kisses and hugs
Dear Baxter's Mom,
My mom says there are 12 step support groups for doxaholics. I would not know about that since I can only count to 10! hee! Hee!
Miss Edith Ann Dogette
P.S. How do I get my cute picture attached to this message? Inquiring minds want to know!
I opt for the term, 'dachshundist'. Does that mean I'm a doxaholic in denial?
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