Sunday, November 28, 2010

mcrib is back

Tiny chumley blissfully baked in the car after our visit to the flea market yesterday, happy as he was to wait in the warming sun while we walked into Mickey Ds to answer the siren call that is the McRib. Unaware that while he waited, we would be filling ourselves with the same very forbidden french fries that he looks at us so longingly for on the rare occasion when we go through the drive thru.

Of course we were busted the moment I opened the car door.

Which the chum quickly used to his advantage.

Which led to his in-car dining experience

Which led to this

One happy tummy filled little boy, exhausted from his morning fun. :)


Keren Hening said...


Sumbudy's got sum 'splainin' to do!"

Dr. Ricky Ricardo Leaky

Jiorji said...

the last picture is my favorite!!!!

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, hushaboo on all that! lil chum thinks it's a good day when he gets to bob for a carrot!

kalyxcorn said...

aw, hi jiorji! did ya get a chance to looky at B's ancestral thanksgiving shot? It was lomo-ized, ish, on the pc. That feature is so cool!

HH and The Boys said...

Love the photos... Especially the last one... You're lookin' good Baxter.

pawhugs, Max

Kerri said...

Baxter, I just got a message from Rainbow Bridge -- Minnie says you got gypped.

Lorenza said...

I saw those Mc pictures and the McRib thing and I thought you were going to get at least one french frie.... *sigh*
Well... at least you had your yummy breakfast there!
Kisses and hugs

Kimberly said...

What car seat is that? It's beautiful!

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, that's okay. this way i can guilt mom into giving me more rawhide!!

me likey my Snoozer My Buddy Lookout car seat - it has a drawer underneath for snackies and stuff and elevates me just high enough to see out the window! mom made me a liner thingy that doubles as a blankie but as u can see, i also have my cozy down throw! and that liner blankie was really for my double wide, which we dont' use as much cuz i haven't had any buddies visit me lately! :)

Bludog said...

Well, I feel kind of guilty when telling you ... but a couple of times, I have taken Molly to McD and bought her own little hamburger, which she happily (and tidily, thank heavens) gobbles up in the back seat! I don't even eat at McD - ever, so when I take her there, it's a special trip just for her. Spoiled? Um, nah...