Friday, December 10, 2010

mission accomplished

baxter's life mantra #653:
anything worth doing,
is worth doing to completion.


design_girl said...

I have to admit I totally burst out laughing when I saw this. My old dachshund Cleo that I grew up with used to do this to all of her tennis balls. Baxter thank you for the great memories. :)

M.A said...

Baxter- pretty impressive!!! Did you do that all in one day?!? :-)

Aunty M.A

Kerri said...

Our first doxie, Scrappy, only played with round squeaky balls. A Snoopy-shaped squeaker? No, thanks. A newspaper-shaped squeaker? I'll pass. But a soccer ball or basketball that squeaked? Throw it, please. Do it again. But he'd always eventually chew the squeaker out and then wouldn't play with the toy again.

Kyley and Ammo the Dachshund said...

Ammo says Baxter is a boy after his own heart!

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, i sorta nibbled on it here n there then one day, i just realized i needed to finish what i started! good thing mom didn't throw my ballie away like she sometimes does when i get the squeaker out. she was always worried i might eat the fluffy stuff but u know, that's like the fur!

Alicia said...

Oh bald, blue, ballie
your fuzzy fur is all gone
thanks to my sharp teeth

Your little buddy,

Fernanda e Pink said...

oi amiga... cá estou eu prá dizer que tive um super problema no meu blog então tive que trocar de endereço. O novo é
Conto com você para me seguir e eu ficar mais felizinha porque foi uma semana inteira de tentaivas para arrumar o blog antigo, sem sucesso... rs
Beijos. Fer e Pink