Saturday, December 18, 2010

no blankie left unturned

So yeah, there's that saying, about leaving no stone unturned. But, why waste time with stones when the answer to anything can always be found just by peeling back the blankies?


Hannalei said...

ahhh that is precious! I can't say that I blame Mr. B. With all the beautiful blankies in your home it's most likely hard for him to make sure they all get enough lovin from him. :) XoXo

Kerri said...

Oooh, I love wrinkly sleepy head!

HH and The Boys said...

I'm looking, up close and personal, at that blanket in the reds... It's a QUILT, isn't it. I'm on my way over. It's beautiful... oh and you are beautiful too, Baxter.

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, my mom dyed that fabric! me so likey how cozy it is! happy saturday homies!! :) b

Alicia said...

Look up the word 'cozy' in the Dachshund Dictionary and this is the picture you'll find.

Keren Hening said...

Hey! Wait a minute! Dat hand is in a blue sleeve!! You'z sleepin' ON sumbudy!!! Gotcha!!: Guinness